Page 127 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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09 Social Welfare 09
and "Enhancing interdepartmental network resource level. These meetings served to coordinate and
deployment to expand public-private collaborative address policy and implementation-related issues.
2. In 2022, the Minister without Portfolio of Executive
2. Implemented five key focuses: "Promoting the Yuan, Lin Wan-i, led the ministry to provide guidance
strengthening of the community mental health in 22 counties and cities. He presided over 5
system," "Enhancing forensic psychiatric system," regional external supervisory meetings, where he
"Strengthening interdisciplinary and public-private listened to opinions and addressed issues.
collaborative services," "Continuously expanding
3. In 2022, visits were made to 9 universities to
social welfare service centers resources and
conduct touring lectures, aiming to encourage
protective services," and "Strengthening human
graduates from social work-related departments to
resource utilization and professional tenure." Actively
contribute to the social security network.
established 71 community mental health centers, 49
By the end of 2022, a total of 156 social welfare
Clubhouse, 6 forensic psychiatric wards, 156 social
service centers (including 4 temporarily co-located
welfare service centers, and 11 child protection area
offices), 11 child protection area medical integration
medical integration centers to construct a more
centers, 28 community mental health centers, and
resilient and sustainable support system for families
28 Clubhouse had been established. A total of
and communities.
4,609 professionals were employed, achieving an
Section 2 Method of Implementation employment rate of 89.7%. Furthermore, on December
1. Held various levels of platform meetings, including 14, 2022, the Mental Health Act was revised and
the Inter-Ministerial Platform Meeting convened promulgated, taking into account the treatment
by the Executive Yuan, the Policy Communication and community services for individuals with mental
Platform Meeting of the MOWH, and the cross- disabilities, supporting their reintegration into the
departmental meetings at the local government community.
一般家庭 脆弱家庭 危機家庭
策略1 擴增家庭服務資源,提供可近性服務 策略2 優化保護服務輸
n 福利諮詢 n 生活扶助(現金給付)
【目標】 n 資源轉介 n 實物給付
家 n 預防宣導 n 急難紓困 n 緊急救援、危機處理
n 脫貧服務(兒少教育發展帳戶)
n 強化家庭社區 n 親職教育 n 支持服務(關懷訪視、照顧服務、 n 關係修復、創傷復原
為基石,前端 n 潛在脆弱/危機家庭之篩檢 親職示範、心理輔導及轉介服務等) n 風險預警、及時介入
預防更落實 庭
策略3 強化精神疾病及自殺防治服務,精進前端預防及危機處理機制
n 擴大服務範圍,
補強司法心理 服 • 社區心理衛生服務 • 精神醫療及社區精神病人照護服務
衛生服務 • 合併保護案件及多元議題精神病人照護服務 • 自殺防治 • 家暴及性侵害加害人處遇
n 優化受理窗口,
提升流程效率 策略4 強化部會網絡資源布建,拓展公私協力服務
n 完善服務體系, 家庭教育、學生輔導、少年輔導、犯罪被害人服務
綿密安全網絡 弱勢族群就業協助
Data Source: Executive Yuan
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