Page 125 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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09                                                                                             Social Welfare    09

                    quality and social participation among persons with   by stairs, assistance was provided to local
                    disabilities include home care, supportive service for   governments of twelve cities and counties to
                    independent life, daily living reconstruction, day care,   install stair climbers for persons with disabilities
                    homebased care services and residence/housing      by the end of 2022. A total of 29,071 people
                    in community. To help reduce care burden of family   were served.
                    members and provide support to caregivers, family
                                                                    (4)  A comprehensive plan for subsidizing medical
                    support services including temporary and short-
                                                                       assistive devices to persons with disabilities
                    term care for persons with disabilities and trainings
                                                                       was implemented. In 2022, there were 9,942
                    and courses for caregivers have been provided. By
                                                                       payments amounting to over NTD 60.27 million.
                    the end of 2022, exceeded NTD 7,940,970,000
                    was subsidized and 31,026,683 benefit recipients.  Section 4  Social Participation for Persons
                  2. Localizing and Downsizing of Institutional Care: As of   with Disabilities
                    the end of 2022, there were 265 welfare institutions   1. Subsidies were provided to private organizations
                    for  people  with  disabilities.  A  total  of  21,846   to carry out various recreational, educational, and
                    residents provided services for 17,534 residents.
                                                                    learning activities for individuals with disabilities,
                    The primary services were day care, residential care,
                                                                    as well as to improve accessibility of websites and
                    art education and vocational activities. To support
                                                                    enhance facilities. In 2022, a total of 243 projects
                    institutions downsizing their facilities into community-
                                                                    were supported, with a funding amount of over NTD
                    based facilities, starting from 2021, the main focus
                                                                    9.11 million.
                    of the public welfare lottery fund has been to provide
                                                                  2. The ceremony of 26th Golden Eagle Model Persons
                    subsidies to local governments in collaboration with
                                                                    with Disabilities Awards were held on November
                    full-day residential disability welfare institutions within
                                                                    13, 2022 to commemorate International Day of
                    their jurisdictions. The aim is to assess and assist
                                                                    Persons with Disabilities. Through the inspiring life
                    individuals with disabilities within these institutions
                                                                    stories shared by the awardees, it aimed to deepen
                    who express a willingness to try community-based
                                                                    the public's understanding of the daily lives of
                    services, such as community living, thereby facilitating
                                                                    individuals with disabilities.
                    their integration into community life. Additionally,
                    relevant projects have been commissioned to   3. Subsidies and certifications were offered to qualified
                    ensure the implementation of Article 19 of the   guide dog training and advertising campaign. By the
                    CRPD. Through workshops and similar platforms,   end of 2022, there were 29 in-service guide dogs
                    professionals from disability welfare institutions are   and 149 puppies in training.
                    invited to engage in discussions on adjusting service   4. By the end of 2022, 31,072 designated parking
                    models to better align with the spirit of Article 19 of   spaces were established and 370,671 special
                    the CRPD.                                       license plates and accessible parking space permits
                  3. Assistive Devices for Persons with Disabilities  were issued.
                    (1)  In 2022, there were 37 assistive device centers   5. As of the end of 2022, there were 2,257
                       across Taiwan to provide assessment and      "Rehabilitation Bus" in Taiwan (Figure 9-7) and the
                       consultation for people in need of devices as well   number of beneficiaries was 3,468,859.
                       as promotion and maintenance services.
                                                                  6. Guidance was provided for local governments to
                    (2)  Persons with disabilities continued to receive   establish the sign language and communication
                       subsidies cover assistive devices. 62,895 persons   access real-time translation (CART) information
                       with disabilities benefitted from the total subsidies   centers, the scope of service, and procedures.
                       of about NTD 570,940,000 as of the end of 2022.  By the end of 2022, there were 365 certified sign
                    (3)  In order to assist persons with disabilities, the   language interpreters and 261 CART personnel.
                       elderly, and others with mobility issues caused

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