Page 121 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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09 Social Welfare 09
Figure 9-4 National Reporting Rate of Developmentally Delayed Children, by Year
Reporting rate
13.40% 13.80% 14.35%
11.30% 11.80%
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Year
Source: SFAA
Figure 9-5 Subsidies for Early Intervention, by Year
51,973 53,814 56,382 59,865
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Year
Source: SFAA
allowance, and career development loan are available MOHW planned a new aged social policy blueprint. On
for families in hardship. There were 17,225 families September 27, 2021, the Executive Yuan approved
receiving these benefits for a total of 128,980 times, the amendment of the white paper of aging society.
with total subsidies exceeding NTD 449,250,000. The MOHW unveiled the four major prospects of
3. Support for Pregnant Women Under the Age autonomy, self-reliance, communion, and sustainment.
of 20: A teen pregnancy hotline (0800-25- Furthermore, in order to concretely implement the
7085) and website ( various policy objectives of the White Paper on an
was established. In 2022, the hotline provided Aging Society, and on November 10, 2022, the
counseling services to 840 individuals, while the "Strategy Plan for Addressing the Challenges of a
website had 103,089 visitors and received 296 Super-Aged Society" was approved. It is estimated
letters and online consultations. Each county and that over a period of four years (2023-2026), a budget
city also implemented case management services of more than NTD 120 billion will be allocated. Through
for pregnant teenagers or parents under the age of public-private collaboration and interdisciplinary
20, serving a total of 13,135 individuals in 2022. cooperation, active responses will be made to the
diverse needs of the elderly.
Chapter 3 Welfare for the Elderly
Section 1 Income Security for the Elderly
In March 2018, Taiwan became an aged society.
By the end of 2022, the elderly population 4,085,793 1. Based on the economic circumstances of low- and
people, accounting for 17.56% of the total population. middle-income elderly households, a monthly living
In response to the trend towards an aged society, the allowance of 3,879 dollars or 7,759 dollars was
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