Page 117 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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09 Social Welfare 09
Yuan, thereby ensuring their meaningful social allocated for these subsidies, benefiting an average
engagement and the rights to be heard. of 48,136 individuals per month.
(2) In 2022, Taiwan Girls Day revolved around 2. As of the end of 2022, there were 71 home-based
the theme of "emotional education." A mobile childcare service centers nationwide that oversaw
scenario-based game titled "Past, Present, and 27,134 childcare providers caring for 25,603
Future" was designed, accompanied by a series children under the age of 2 (Figure 9-2). Among
of online symposiums and emotional education them, 22,582 providers had signed quasi-public
workshops. These activities aimed to promote cooperation agreements with local governments,
the importance of valuing and investing in girls, resulting in a signing rate of 91.76%.
while calling upon all sectors to dismantle gender
3. As of the end of 2022, there were 1,506 baby care
stereotypes. Approximately 16,000 individuals
centers with 43,404 children under care in Taiwan as
participated during the event, and the advocacy
shown in Figure 9-3. These included 1,121 private
efforts reached an estimated 5.04 million people.
baby care centers with 31,705 children under care.
Section 3 Childcare Services Among them, 893 centers had signed quasi-public
cooperation agreements with local government,
1. Subsidies for public and quasi-public childcare:
resulting in a signing rate of 97.81%. Additionally,
Families that sent children under the age of 2 to
there were 385 public institutions run by private baby
quasi-public home-based childcare providers
care centers (including 150 public community baby
or childcare centers received monthly subsidies
care centers) with 11,699 children under care.
between NTD 7,000 to NTD 12,500. For children
enrolled in public institutions, monthly subsidies 4. To increase the supply of public childcare places,
range between NTD 4,000 to 9,500 in subsidies fund under the Forward-Looking Infrastructure
each month. An additional NTD 1,000 is provided Program was secured by the MOHW to continue
for the second child, and an additional NTD 2,000 the roll-out of public community baby care centers.
for the third child and subsequent children. In the 371 community care centers were approved as of
year 2022, a total of over NTD 4.589 billion was the end of 2022 and 251 have been established.
● "Symposium on the Emotional World of the Next Generation" held on October 11, 2022, as part of Taiwan
Girls Day.
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