Page 115 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 115

Social Welfare    09

                      In order to ensure appropriate care for       child, and cancelled the limitation of receiving
                  disadvantaged groups, following the trends of low   parental  leave  allowance  and  disadvantaged
                  birth rates, population aging, rapid change of social   subsidization. In December 2022, 236,415 people
                  structure and family functions, with promotion of the   benefitted, accounting for 81.37% of children under
                  wellbeing and rights of all citizens as the mission,   age 2 that month (290,548 children). In 2022,
                  the government has planned and integrated welfare   402,955 children benefitted. The MOHW subsidized
                  policies for women, children and youth, the elderly,   a total of NTD 15,158,940,000, as shown in Figure
                  and the persons with disabilities. By combining family   9-1. It should be noted that the decrease in the
                  and community resources, it meets the visions which   number of newborns each year, as well as the
                  are guaranteed rights, supportive families, a friendly   choice between childcare allowance and daycare
                  society, and progress for all.                    subsidy, has influenced the number of recipients.
                                                                    In 2022, there was an increase of 4 thousand
                  Chapter 1 Children and Youth Welfare              recipients for daycare subsidy, which affected the
                                                                    number of recipients of this particular subsidy.
                      The Social and Family Affairs Administration (SFAA)
                  of the MOHW adopted measures relating to the "Plan for   2. Living assistance for vulnerable children and youth:
                  Addressing the Declining National Birth Rate (2018-2024)"   A subsidy amounting to NTD 2,047-2,479 is granted
                  of the Executive Yuan to facilitate related government   each month to children and youth in hardship from
                  departments to co-build a birth-friendly environment. This   middle-low income households; children and youth,
                  includes initiatives such as providing child-care subsidies   as well as their offspring, in hardship resulting from
                  for children under the age of 2, promoting the public and   pregnancies or births; children and youth evaluated by
                  the quasi-public childcare services, improving legislation   competent authorities of the county (city) government
                  related to children and adolescents, and constructing   to be nurtured without supportive capabilities, to
                  a social safety net. Additionally, early intervention   have no legal supporters or that their living is not be
                  services for children with development delays are being   supported by legal supporters. As of the end of 2022,
                  implemented. In addition, the following policies are being   a total of 108,574 children received a total allowance
                                                                    of over NTD 2,433,130,000 accumulatively.
                  implemented to provide children and adolescents with
                  more diverse welfare and protection services.   3. Emergency living assistance for children and
                                                                    youth from vulnerable families: Emergency living
                  Section 1 Welfare and Subsidization
                                                                    assistance of NTD 3,000 is granted monthly to
                  1. Child-raising allowance for children aged under 2:   disadvantaged children and youth in hardship,
                    To implement the policy of "Raising Children Age   from vulnerable families, with emergency financial
                    0~6" by President Tsai. Since August 2021, SFAA   difficulty, or requiring childcare. As of the end of
                    increased the subsidy for each child by at least NTD   2022, a total of 2,779 children and youth were
                    5,000. The amount was increased for the second   subsidized with over NTD 45,610,000 in total.

                    Figure 9-1   Subsidization of Childcare Allowance for Children under the Age of 2 Over the Years

                         Number of children
                         receiving the subsidies
                         450,000                                        431,589
                                   263,520  258,364
                                    2016      2017     2018     2019      2020     2021     2022   Year
                   Source: SFAA

   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120