Page 116 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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09    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         09

            4. National Health Insurance Subsidies for Children   2. Establishing a multidisciplinary communication
               and Youth from middle-low-income Families: The   platform: The Executive Yuan and the MOHW have
               children and youth under 18 years old from middle-  established task forces composed of representatives
               low-income families were subsidized for national   from government agencies, NGOs, experts, scholars,
               healthcare insurance. As of the end of 2022 there   and representatives of children and youth. They
               were 94,510 person-times benefiting from the    regularly convene meetings to corporate the opinions
               subsidies totaling more than NTD 739,100,000.   of practitioners and the voices of children and youth.
            5. Medical Subsidies for Children under 3 Years    These efforts aim to promote the implementation of
               Old: Part of the clinic (emergency) charges and   the CRC, policies related to the welfare of children
               hospitalization expense were automatically reduced   and youth, and safety.
               for national health insured children under 3 years old   3. Safeguard the rights and interests of children
               during their doctoral visits. As of the end of 2022,   of undocumented migrant workers in Taiwan:
               the subsidies were offered to 8,111,551 person-  Supervise local governments to protect the right
               times and exempted their parents from the burden   of children of undocumented migrant workers with
               of more than NTD 1,582,680,000 in payments.     special needs to education, adoption and medical

            6. Medical Subsidies for Disadvantaged Children    care. There were a total of 508 cases in 2022 with
               and Youth: In order to provide children from    389 closed. 119 are continuing to be followed up.
               disadvantaged families with suitable health care,   4. Promoted children and youth's human rights and
               payment assistance was offered for NHI arrears;   improved their development and social participation
               intervention, training, and evaluation fees for children   (1)  The SFAA provided subsidies to local governments
               with developmental delays; nursing fees during    and NGOs for conducting programs and activities
               hospital stays; and copayments. As of the end     related to CRC education, training, advocacy,
               of 2022, there were 9,570 recipients of subsidies   and awareness-raising. In 2022, a total of 67,754
               totaling more than NTD 150,420,000.               individuals benefited from these initiatives.
            Section 2  Protecting the Interests and              Additionally, the administration has nurtured
                                                                 412 child and youth representatives across
                                                                 various counties and cities, as well as elected 62
            1. According to the Implementation Act of the        central child and youth representatives. These
               Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC),      efforts aim to promote the active participation of
               MOHW put forward the second CRC national report   children and youth in meetings related to children
               on November 19, 2021. The second review meeting   and youth welfare and rights conducted by the
               was completed in November 2022.                   local government, MOHW, and the Executive

              ● Photograph of the closing meeting of the 1st Central Children and Youth Delegation, held on November 4, 2022.

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