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08 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 08
Section 7 Apply Technology to Improve mask purchase record in 2020. In 2021, a new function
Healthcare Efficiency was established integrating COVID-19 vaccination,
PCR test, rapid test results data and adding medical
The NHIA's "NHI MediCloud System" incorporated
radiology record, giving people a convenient single
12 types medical data, including medication records,
window for enquiry. In 2022, a new record of purchases
Chinese medicine use records, examination and test
and distribution of rapid screening test kits was
records and results, dental treatment and surgical
implemented. As of the end of 2022, 10.9 million people
records, etc. Query services were used by 28,925
have accessed My Health Bank system 306.42 million
medical institutions in 2022, with an average of 37 million
times; in future, refinement will continue, providing users
queries per month. Around 87.3% of all patients seeking
with a friendly operating interface and smooth operating
treatment have been served with the query service to
process and adding a disease management function to
improve health care. Continue optimizing the user's
increase the number of users.
interface, add prompt functions and update contents as
clinically indicated, and information sharing to minimize
Chapter 2 National Pension System
repeated prescriptions, increase safe patient medication
Taiwan's National Pension Insurance (NPI) was
and quality of healthcare, and eventually enhance medical
established on October 1, 2008 to cover citizens aged
care efficacy and reasonable health insurance source
between 25 and 65 years old who do not participate
in related social insurances for military personnel, civil
To enhance public control over their own health
servants and teachers, laborers, or farmers. By providing
and medical treatment, people can now register with
basic economic security for insured individuals and their
the "My Health Bank" system to inquire or download
families when insured individuals become old or face
their personal medical information including outpatient,
maternity, disability, or death, NPI is a key milestone on
inpatient, medication, surgery, allergies, test (examination)
the road to comprehensive social security. Establishment
results, imagery or pathological examination, discharge
of NPI marked the start of a new era for Taiwan.
summaries, organ donation/palliative care consent/
advanced decision, adult preventive health exam results, Section 1 Status of National Pension
screening results for 4 types of cancer and vaccination
records. The "NHI Express" APP for logging into My
Health Bank over a verified mobile phone was added in 1. There were 2,810,844 insured individuals of NPI in
2018, and recording of information from self-paid health December 2022. (Table 8-2)
exams, dependent management and major illness/injury 2. Premium rate: 10% (to be adjusted starting January 1,
reminder features were added in 2019. To help keep 2023; Insurance premium = monthly insured amount *
COVID-19 under control, My Health Bank added the Insurance premium rate).
Table 8-2 Insured individuals and Ratios of NPI, December 2022
Classification Insured Individuals Ratio (%)
General Insured Individuals 2,360,749 83.99
Low-Income Households 63,675 2.27
Middle-Low-Income Households 52,000 1.85
Persons with Severe or Extremely Disability 86,020 3.06
Persons with Moderate Disability 68,469 2.44
Persons with Mild Disability 49,249 1.75
Middle-low income persons (income less than 1.5-fold
87,203 3.10
minimum cost of living)
Middle-low income persons (income less than 2-fold
43,479 1.54
minimum cost of living)
Total 2,810,844 100
Source: Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
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