Page 108 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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08    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         08

              Figure 8-2   Trends in Western Medicine Outpatient Visits at Each Level

                            Clinics      Regional     District    Medical
                                         Hospitals    Hospitals   Centers
              23%                                                                                 70%
                                                                  64.7% 64.8%
                                                                            63.1%                 65%
              20%                                                                   62.0%

                                                                               61.3%              60%

                                                                                15.4%  15.3%
              14%                                                 14.8%  14.3% 14.9%              50%

                   11.5%                                                   11.3%     11.8%        45%
                                                                  10.4% 10.7%
                   11.3%                                                        11.2%
                                                                             10.6%   10.8%
                                                                         10.1%                    40%
               8%                                                                                 35%
                      2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022  2023  2024  Year

           Source: National Health Insurance Administration, MOHW (NHIA)
           Note: The dotted line section is the estimation using the compounded annual growth rate of outpatients cases over the last 10 years since 2018
               prior to the implementation of tiered medical system.

               Due to COVID-19 pandemics since 2020, the overall   Section 3  Improving Finances by
           number of outpatient visits decreased (vs. the baseline      Establishing a Linkage
           number in 2017), where the level of primary clinic visits
                                                                        Mechanism between Revenues
           decreased significantly as less frequent visits from mild
                                                                        and Expenditures
           symptoms and intensified personal hygiene and prevention
                                                                 For the sustainability of national health insurance, the
           measures (significantly fewer medical visits for respiratory
                                                             Second-Generation NHI began to collect supplementary
           symptoms, influenza and enterovirus). As acute, severe,
                                                             premium and increase government contributions to bring
           difficult to diagnose and rare disease patients went to
                                                             premium collection in line with the ability to pay principle
           large medical institutions routinely, the reduction in the
                                                             and improve the financial shortfall. As the end of 2022, the
           proportion of primary clinic visits was larger than for
                                                             balance over the years was NTD 104.9 billion as shown in
           medical centers or regional hospitals.
                                                             Figure 8-3.
               The vertical integration of the healthcare system is
                                                                 The Second-Generation NHI built up the financial
           being actively promoted by NHIA by applying a patient-
                                                             revenue /expenditure linkage mechanism that routinely
           centric approach to the evaluation of people's care
                                                             reviews premium rate annually. To consider the
           requirements so that they can be transferred to an
                                                             affordability, medical environment and NHI finance, the
           appropriate department and hospital level for proper
                                                             general premium rate starting from January 1, 2021, went
           care or treatment. A total of 81 strategic alliances had
                                                             back to 5.17%, the rate before the Second-Generation
           been established by the end of 2022 involving 7,152 NHI
                                                             NHI. The supplementary premium rate was linked to
           contracted institutions.
                                                             adjust to 2.11%. The rate will be reviewed depending on
               To improve referral efficiency, an electronic referral
                                                             economic recovery in the future.
           platform that strengthened the referral process and
                                                             Section 4  Diverse Payment Methods and
           two-way communications was introduced by the NHIA
           in 2017. The system was used by 11,245 institutions          Rational Management
           during the course of 2022 and approximately 1.42 million   The main payment method for NHI medical services
           referrals were made.                              has been "Fee-for-Service (FFS)." To effectively control
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