Page 110 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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08    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         08

           ward charges related to intensive care beds in regional   NHIA has set up a "Price Comparison Platform
           hospitals and medical center, and increase the payment   of Self-Paid Medical Devices" which allows the general
           points for nursing care on the first day of hospitalization   public to compare the out-of-pocket differences and
           by 30%, thereby enhancing the quality of inpatient care.  prices of self-pay items for medical devices across
               In the Western Medicine Primary Care Global   different healthcare facilities. Through the utilization
           Budget sector, the pharmaceutical service fees and   of open data, mobile applications (APP), and LINE@
           specialist physician surcharge rate for outpatient   interface, individuals can easily access and reference
           diagnostic fees has been increased since March    information regarding various item categories, materials,
           2021. Starting from May 2017, a total of 70 medical   and explanations related to out-of-pocket differences.
           procedures, including examinations and obstetric and   This initiative aims to provide convenience for the public
           gynecological surgeries, have been gradually made   when making informed decisions.
           available at the primary care level.                  The "Patient Opinion Sharing Platform" was
               Differences over professional review opinions led to   expanded to allow general public review of new drugs/
           members of the public calling for the NHIA to reveal the   medical materials under consideration for NHI coverage.
           names of reviewers for the sake of accountability. The   For implementing procedural justice, patients/patient
           NHIA thus launched the "Named Professional Double   groups/caregivers can make suggestions or provide
           Review" pilot project in 2016 in the Hospital Global   their experiences, including treatment outcomes,
           Budget sector. The "Professional Double Review" means   improvements in quality of life, and achieved expected
           two physicians are assigned to review specific cases,   effects. From October 1, 2021, the platform was added
           while the "Named Review" is divided into the "Named   the functionality to share opinions on the expanded
           Reviewer for Individual Deduction Cases" and "Named   coverage of medication reimbursement.
           Group" categories.
                                                             Section 6  Caring for the Disadvantaged and
               New oral drugs for treating Hepatitis C (Direct Acting
                                                                        Safeguarding Remote Areas
           Antiviral Agents, DAA) with improved cure rate, reduced
           side effects, and a shorter course of treatment began   1. Subsidies for the Economically Disadvantaged
           to launch as of 2015. For more HCV patients to receive   (1)  Besides subsidizing premiums for specific
           treatments with these new drugs as early as possible,   underprivileged groups, there are other assistance
           they were added to the NHI coverage since January     measures as shown in Table 8-1.
           2017, and all department physicians are authorized to
                                                               (2)  Since  June  2016,  NHI  has  implemented
           prescribe direct acting anti-hepatitis C viral agents from
                                                                 "Decoupling of the Payment of Premiums from
           October, 2021. The NHIA has earmarked a budget up to
                                                                 the Right to Receive Medical Care," (NHI card
           NTD 35.851 billion for funding these Anti HCV drugs to
                                                                 unlocking) after which people can seek medical
           benefit over 148,000 patients from 2017 to 2022. HCV
                                                                 treatment as long as they apply for insurance.
           RNA testing at 12 weeks after the completion of the
                                                               (3)  Using Feedback Fund of Public Welfare Lottery
           treatment course found that the treatment was successful
                                                                 to Reduce the Financial Burden of Health Care
           on 98.4% of the cases, with no detectable viral count.
                                                                 for the Disadvantaged: Assistance provided in
           Section 5  Disclosure of Information to               2022 included subsidies of NHI premium arrears
                       Improve Quality                           and fees associated with treatment. Assistance
               Information on NHI services such as the quality of   was  provided  63,000  cases  of  people,  with
           care at contracted medical service providers, the financial   approximately NTD 217 million in total.
           reports, the number of inpatient and outpatient claims and   2. Caring for People in Mountainous, Remote and
           payment point values, nurse-to-patient ratio etc. are all   Medically Underserved Areas
           published on the NHIA official website. Such information   (1)  The Integrated Delivery System (IDS) implemented
           allows the general public and interested parties to   by the NHIA in mountain areas and on offshore
           understand the operating efficiency of medical institutions.   islands: As of 2022, there are 50 townships
           The exposure of serious violations is also to push for   currently officially recognized as being in
           improvements in care quality by medical service providers.  mountainous and offshore island areas. At present,

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