Page 113 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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08                                                              National Health Insurance and National Pension   08

                3. Monthly insured amount: NTD 19,761 (to be adjusted   Section 2  National Pension System Reform
                   starting January 1, 2023).                                 and Important Results
                4. Insurance premium subsidy rate: 40% government
                                                                  1. Handling of the "flexible measures for guaranteeing
                   subsidy (NTD 790 per month) for regular people,
                                                                    the national pension rights of people unable to return
                   55% (NTD 1,087) or 70% (NTD 1,383) for those with   to Taiwan for two years who have had household
                   income below a certain standard, middle-low-income   registration cancelled" by the Labor Insurance Bureau
                   households, or people with mild or moderate physical   was approved, allowing people had been overseas
                   and mental disabilities, and 100% (NTD 1,976) for low-  for two years between January 1, 2020 and June 30,
                   income households and people with severe physical   2023 and had their household registration cancelled
                   and mental disabilities or worse.                to continue to pay insurance premium or have pension
                                                                    payment request eligibility calculated favorably.
                5. Premium Payment Rate of Insured individuals: From
                   the establishment of NPI (on October 1, 2008) to   2. With the amendment made to Article 17 of the
                   October 2022, receivable premiums of insured     "Enforcement Rules of the National Pension Act"
                   individuals were more than NTD 450.2 billion and   states that if an insured individual loses eligibility for
                                                                    the provisions stated in Article 12, Clauses 1 to 3 of
                   more than NTD 249.3 billion was received. The
                                                                    this Act due to a change in household registration, the
                   payment rate was 55.38%.
                                                                    responsible authority for the insurance premium in the
                6. Payment items, NPI Benefit Recipients and Payments.
                                                                    respective month shall be based on the competent
                   (Table 8-3)
                                                                    authority of the special municipality or county (city)
                7. Financial Status of the NPI Fund: As of the end of   where the insured individual's last registered residence
                   2022, a total of NTD 452.3 billion of the NPI fund was   with the aforementioned eligibility was located prior to
                   utilized in diversified of assets allocation.     the relocation in that month.

                    Table 8-3    NPI Benefit Recipients and Payments, 2022

                                                        Recipients (Persons)     Payment Amounts (NTD 1,000s)
                            Payment Type
                                                    Male     Female    Total     Male      Female     Total
                            Old Age Pension Payments  585,817  748,725  1,334,542  25,247,835  34,745,803  59,993,638

                            Maternity Payments           0    12,234   12,234         0     455,406   455,406
                            Mental/Physical Disability
                   Insurance                         4,516     3,245    7,761    190,074    156,326   346,400
                            Pension Payments
                            Funeral Payments         6,969     3,247   10,216    636,208    296,716   932,924
                            Surviving Family Pension
                                                    85,623    27,858   113,481   4,146,761   1,355,159   5,501,920
                            Subtotal               682,925   795,309 1,478,234  30,220,878  37,009,410  67,230,288
                            Old Age Basic Guaranteed   148,809  272,516  421,325  7,092,939  12,873,519  19,966,458
                            Pension Payments
                            Mental / Physical Disability
                    Other   Basic Guaranteed Pension   9,750   9,138   18,888    599,423    563,436  1,162,859
                   Payment  Payments

                            Aboriginal Pension Payments  16,832  26,908  43,740  766,769  1,222,716  1,989,485
                            Subtotal               175,391   308,562   483,953  8,459,131  14,659,671  23,118,802
                  Total                            858,316  1,103,871 1,962,187  38,680,009  51,669,081  90,349,090
                  Source: Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
                  Note: Recipients of lump sum payments are accumulative number of persons each year. Recipients of pension payments are the recipients
                       at the end of the year.

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