Page 131 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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10 Social Assistance and Social Work 10
Table 10-3 Emergency Relief in 2021-2022
2021 2022
Beneficiaries Relief Payment Beneficiaries Relief Payment
(People) Amount (NTD) (People) Amount (NTD)
Emergency Relief from Municipal 70,166 369,778,692 29,067 201,606,619
and County (City) Authorities
Emergency Relief 19 230,000 46 810,000
from MOHW
Immediate Care 7,613 103,763,544 6,332 86,752,567
Source: Department of Social Assistance and Social Work, Ministry of Health and Welfare, R.O.C.(Taiwan)
handling and restoration. Meanwhile, the role functions Section 5 Assistance for the Homeless
of social administration are reviewed and improved Counseling and Shelter Service for homeless
all the time. The Social Assistance and Social Work people provides three-stage services including
Division of the Ministry of Health and Welfare mainly "emergency service, transition service and stabilization
takes charge of "residential relocation for victims," service," and to help homeless people rebuild and adapt
"material preparation for people's livelihood," and to their life on the premise of respecting their basic
"consolation and care for victims." Only by making human rights and considering regional differences.
full preparations before the disaster, can we deal with There were 3,002 homeless people registered
various problems when disasters happen. with the local governments at the end of 2022. Over
When the flood season and typhoon season 70% were located in 6 municipalities including Taipei
were coming every year, the local government would City. In contrast, there were 9 counties/cities with less
take special measures including temporary sheltering than 50 homeless people. Furthermore, there were
no registered homeless people in Kinmen County,
for victims, social assistance and vulnerable protection
Lienchiang County and Penghu County, which shown
according to Disaster Prevention and Response Act.
a great difference between various places in the
In 2022, 5752 disaster affected resident shelters were
number of homeless people.
planned by city and county governments, able to hold
According to Article 17 of the Public Assistance
2,386,028 people. In the 2022, a total of 53 shelters
Act, the local government shall formulate autonomous
were opened in response to the Typhoon Hinnamnor
regulations or methods of the homeless training according
(September 4), Typhoon Muifa (September 13), Taitung
to the number of homeless people, the homeless
Earthquake (September 18), and Typhoon Nesat
assistance scale and needs within its jurisdiction.
(October 15), accommodating a total of 560 individuals.
In 2022, a total of 766,119 homeless people
The results of measures in response to COVID-19
were served, including 730,890 people receiving care
are as follows: compensation for those under home
services, 341 people assisted in returning home, 4,228
isolation, home quarantine and family members as
people applying for and receiving welfare services,
caregivers; following the Guidelines on Compensations
7,670 people referred for employment services
for Those Under Home Isolation and Quarantine, those or vocational training, 564 people receiving rental
under home isolation, home quarantine and family counseling, 2,581 people receiving placement services,
members who are caregivers could be compensated and 19,845 people receiving medical services.
provided that they have not violated relevant
Section 6 Savings Accounts for Future
regulations regarding these measures, and have not
received salaries or subsidies of a similar nature. As of Education and Development of
the end of 2022, the MOHW had approved 1,638,687 Children and Youth
epidemic prevention compensation cases with the Under the "Savings Accounts for Future Education
amount of NTD 9,903,541,000. and Development of Children and Youth" program,
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