Page 133 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 133

10                                                                          Social Assistance and Social Work    10

                  the practice environment of social workers. We strive to   workers stipulated by the Ministry of Examination.
                  provide a friendly work environment for social workers,   As of the early of 2022, 84 committee meetings
                  hoping to encourage social workers to choose social   were held, and 13,941 application cases for
                  work as fulltime and long-term profession and thereby   social worker were reexamined.
                  ensure the quality of services for the vulnerable through   (2)  One social worker evaluation by specialty
                  optimizing the professional system of and improving   was conducted according to the "Regulation
                  the work environment for social work.                for Qualification by Category and Continuing
                  Section 1 Social Work System                         Education of Specialized Social Workers." As of
                                                                       the end of 2022, a total of 802 specialist social
                      Since the "Social Worker Act" was promulgated
                                                                       workers were accepted, including 313 medical
                  and implemented on April 2, 1997, a total of 15,557
                                                                       social workers (39.00%), 213 mental health
                  persons have passed the social worker examination and
                                                                       social workers (26.60%), 201 children, youth,
                  15,088 of them held a license by the end of 2022. There
                                                                       women, and family social workers (25.10%), 38
                  are 9,298 registered practicing social workers. In terms
                                                                       geriatric social workers (4.70%), and 37 disability
                  of age, 4.26% are aged under 25, 17.29% are aged
                                                                       social workers (4.60%).
                  25-29, 18.88% are aged 30-34, 19.58% are aged 35-
                  39, and 39.99% are aged 40 and older. The number of   (3)  The professional competencies of social workers
                  registered social worker associates nationwide included   are improved according to the "Regulations for
                  46 persons and 44 associates. Full-time social workers   Receiving Continuing Education and Renewing
                  serving the field of public and private social welfare   Business License for Social Workers" and the
                  departments nationwide included 18,672 people (of    "Regulation for Qualification by Category and
                  which 1,048 aboriginal people [5.61%]). Social workers   Continuing Education of Specialized Social
                  serving the public sector included 7,928 persons     Workers." In 2022, a total of 3,725 reviews on
                  (42.46%), and 10,744 persons (57.54%) in the private   continuing education score were conducted.
                  sector, as shown in Figure 10-2.                2. Protection of Social Workers' Rights
                  1. Talent cultivation                             (1)  In order to provide social workers with a friendly
                    (1)  We conducted qualification review for practical   work environment and encourage them to choose
                       social work experience and business according   full-time and long-term jobs, the Ministry of
                       to the test-free subjects of professional social   Health and Welfare discussed with the Personnel

                                 Social Workers Assigned to Social Welfare Tasks in Public and Private
                    Figure 10-2
                                 Agencies, 2012-2022

                   people                          Total    Private Agencies   Public Agencies


                  20,000                                                                        18,672
                                                                    15,643                           10,744
                                                             15,000        14,989  9,510  9,753
                  15,000                              13,589         9,802
                                               12,487         9,683         8,739
                                        11,537         9,013
                  10,000   9,457         7,559
                                                                                          7,262      7,928
                   5,000                                             5,841  6,250  6,666
                                                4,394  4,576
                           2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018  2019   2020   2021   2022   Year
 130                                                                                                             131
   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138