Page 88 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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06    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         06

                 expropriated and utilized to disseminate real-  Chapter 3   Communicable Disease
                 time and transparent domestic and international           Preparedness and
                 epidemic information, as well as various epidemic
                                                                           Response, and Infection
                 prevention decisions and measures.
              (2)  Taiwan CDC has expanded the capacity of its
                 "1922 Hotline," and additional features such   Section 1  Preparedness and Response
                 as automated SMS replies and voice message
                                                                        to Emerging and Reemerging
                 capabilities were introduced to ensure efficient
                                                                        Infectious Diseases
                 call diversion. These measures aimed to ensure
                 that inquiring individuals could promptly access   1. International Port Quarantine: In response to the
                 the information they needed. Furthermore, since   COVID-19 variant outbreak, from July 2, 2021 to
                 the establishment of Central Epidemic Command   September 28, 2022, on-arrival saliva-based PCR
                 Center to 2023, the cumulative number of      testing was conducted on over 940,000 incoming
                 COVID-19-related calls received through the   travelers, detecting 21,000 confirmed cases. Starting
                 1922 hotline reached 12,633,109.              from September 29, 2022, border surveillance
              (3)  The MOHW has actively taken action against   returned to normal monitoring, screening 1,379
                 disinformation and immediately investigated   symptomatic travelers, 673 of whom tested positive
                 and prosecuted cases according to applicable   for COVID-19. Additionally, airports and ports
                 laws and regulations. Immediate action was    implemented voluntary reporting and screening
                 also taken to investigate violations of epidemic   mechanisms for incoming travelers exhibiting
                 prevention and related measures.              suspected symptoms of infectious diseases. In 2022,
                                                               this system successfully intercepted 31 cases of
            6. Smart Pandemic Prevention
                                                               dengue fever and 1 case of monkeypox, preventing
              (1)  Optimized smart technology to develop smart
                                                               them from entering the community and effectively
                 epidemic prevention systems. As Taiwan entered
                                                               reducing the burden on the community.
                 the community transmission stage, the "Contact
                                                             2. To safeguard the health of Taiwanese people traveling
                 Tracing Self-reporting System for Confirmed
                                                               abroad, 32 contracted hospitals were commissioned
                 Cases" was launched on May 1, 2022. This system
                                                               to provide integrated international travel medicine
                 streamlined the local government's epidemiological
                                                               services. In addition, a Travel Medicine Education
                 investigations and reduced paper notifications,
                 prioritizing the allocation of isolation treatment for   and Training Center was established. In 2022, a total
                 patients with moderate to severe symptoms.    of 25 training courses were conducted for medical
                                                               personnel and travel service providers to deepen the
              (2)  On December 28, 2021, the MOHW opened the
                                                               awareness of epidemic prevention during travel for
                 "Taiwan Digital COVID-19 Certificate" system on
                                                               the Taiwanese population.
                 its official website, allowing people to download
                 and print their certificates themselves. On March   3. Monkeypox Prevention and Control: In response to
                 24, 2022, additional features were introduced,   the monkeypox outbreaks in Europe and America,
                 including the functions to apply a certificate using   on June  23,  2022,  monkeypox  was  officially
                 a passport number, add the digital certificate   classified as a category 2 notifiable communicable
                 to an iOS or Android app, and to print the    disease. Various prevention and control measures
                 certificate from the cloud at convenience stores.   were implemented, including strengthened
                 Starting from May 30, 2022, the system added   international airport/port quarantine, reporting
                 the function to reissue a COVID-19 Designated   from medical institutions, and risk communication
                 Location Isolation (Home Isolation) Notice for a   and health education for the public. Additionally,
                 confirmed case. Furthermore, on July 14, 2022,   the procurement and allocation of monkeypox
                 the system added the function to issue digital   antiviral drugs and vaccines were completed. Active
                 certificates in the Smart Health Card (SHC) format.  monitoring of domestic and international situations

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