Page 85 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 85

06                                                                             Communicable Disease Control      06

                  2. Acute viral hepatitis B and C                2. Novel Influenza A Virus Infections (Flu Pandemic)
                    The numbers of confirmed cases of acute viral   (1)  Information on the avian influenza epidemic
                    hepatitis B and C in 2022 were 103 and 506,        was exchanged through an interagency
                    respectively. A sample survey of pregnant women    communication platform to ensure stringent
                    screened for hepatitis B during prenatal care visits   surveillance of avian influenza variants and the risk
                    and newborns vaccinated against hepatitis B        of their spreading to humans. Health monitoring
                    suggested that the carrier rate among children aged   took place among frontline workers handling the
                    6 decreased to 0.8% (2007 survey) from 10.5%       slaughter of poultry and cleaning and disinfection
                    before immunization (1989 survey). In addition, in   of poultry farms. A total of 652 individuals were
                    order to reduce the chance of acquiring hepatitis   monitored in 2022, and no human infection with
                    B among children born to pregnant women with       avian influenza was detected.
                    hepatitis B (HBsAg positive), we continue to    (2)  Surveillance of the antigenicity, drug resistance,
                    promote "follow-up checkups and vaccinations of    and genetic changes of flu viruses as well
                    children at a higher risk of hepatitis B infection."  as emergence of novel flus continued. With
                                                                       international norms / rules considered, the
                  Section 5 Influenza Control
                                                                       establishment of the Advance Purchase
                  1. Seasonal influenza
                                                                       Agreement (APA) mechanism was proposed.
                    (1)  In 2022, there were a total of 22 confirmed cases   The MOHW has reserved influenza antiviral drugs
                       of influenza with severe complications, including   sufficient for 10-15% of the population.
                       4 fatalities, resulting in a mortality rate of 18.2%,
                                                                  Section 6  Prevention and Control of
                       as shown in Figure 6-7.
                    (2)  The MOHW launched the "Influenza Vaccine
                                                                      In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan
                       Immunization Program" in October 2022. As of
                                                                  officially designated COVID-19 as a Category V
                       February 12, 2023, a total of over 6,370,000
                                                                  communicable disease on January 15, 2020. This was
                       immunizations were administered.
                                                                  followed by the establishment of the Central Epidemic
                    (3)  The MOHW rigorously monitored influenza activity,
                                                                  Command Center (CECC) on January 20 to take charge
                       strengthened the quality of medical care available
                                                                  of the mobilization required to meet the emergency.
                       for acute cases, and the allocation of resources.
                                                                  1. Overview
                       The MOHW set up approximately 4,300 locations
                       to dispense subsidized influenza antivirals.  (1)  As of the end of 2022, there were 201 nations/
                                                                       regions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,

                    Figure 6-7   Confirmed Cases of Severe Influenza Complications in 2022







                           Jan.  Feb.   Mar.  Apr.   May.  Jun.   July.  Aug.  Sep.  Oct.   Nov.  Dec.  Month
                     Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control

 82                                                                                                               83
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90