Page 87 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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06 Communicable Disease Control 06
COVID-19 vaccine doses were purchased, inspections of biological safety management were
including approximately 4.76 million doses from completed for 11 high-containment laboratories
global vaccine initiative (COVAX) vaccines,10 million conducting SARS-CoV-2 research.
doses from AstraZeneca, 6.05 million doses from (2) Strengthened medical emergency response
Moderna, and 5 million domestic vaccines. measures and implemented infection control
In July 2021, an agreement was signed with the in healthcare and long-term care facilities to
American company Moderna to procure a total safeguard the healthcare system.
of 35 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines from (3) Continued to establish government quarantine
2022 and 2023. Efforts will continue to talk with facilities to accommodate individuals undergoing
international vaccine manufacturers to acquire isolation / quarantine, as well as mild cases
next-generation vaccines, aiming to improve in accordance with the CECC's principle for
people's protection. In addition, 2.2 million doses admitting and treating confirmed COVID-19
of the formulation for children of the BNT vaccine cases based on severity. Cumulatively, over
and 1.8 million doses of the adult formulation were 65,000 individuals were admitted in 2022.
procured. Subsequently, an additional 1.9 million
(4) Enhanced infection control knowledge and
doses for infants, 1.1 million doses for children,
provided online learning courses for healthcare
and 600,000 doses for adults were procured to
professionals to strengthen critical care medical
meet public demand for vaccination. Starting from
March 22, 2021, priority was given to healthcare
(5) To further increase the country's testing capacity,
personnel for COVID-19 vaccinations. Eligibility
the MOHW expanded a nationwide network of
for vaccinations was gradually opened to different
designated testing institutions with a maximum
target populations based on the availability of
daily testing of 237,421 specimens as of 2022.
vaccine supply. The priority order, as determined
by the Advisory Committee on Immunization (6) Researched and evaluated SARS-CoV-2 virus
Practices (ACIP) of the MOHW, was followed and culture, nucleic acid, antigen, testing methods,
adjusted after taking into account the quantity and and reagents. Developed and transferred to
schedule of vaccine supply from manufacturers. domestic manufacturers to help the development
As of December 31, 2022, the coverage rate for of domestic reagents. Viral strains were sent
the first dose was 94.0%, 88.8% for the second to relevant institutions to help establish the
dose, 75.7% for a booster dose, and 19.8% for a "COVID-19 viral screening and analysis support
second booster dose. platform" to support research and development
in academia, industry, and research institutions.
4. Medical Response and Medical Supplies
Preparedness 5. Disseminating Information and Uncovering
(1) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Disinformation
measures and audits of infection control were (1) From the establishment of the CECC until the
strengthened in hospitals, long-term care facilities, end of 2022, a total of 934 press conferences
and laboratories. Unscheduled inspections were held, issue 2,086 press releases, 50
were conducted. In 2022, the focus of hospital clarifications, 81 letters to the medical community,
inspections included COVID-19 vaccination, and producing 6,449 educational leaflets on key
contingency plans for large-scale infections, topics. These were used to release important
health monitoring and management of healthcare epidemic information, policies, and measures
personnel, and the establishment of hand hygiene to the public. Additionally, educational videos
facilities. A total of 176 hospitals were inspected, for epidemic prevention were produced and
with a pass rate of 84.7%. Local governments translated into multiple foreign languages. Various
provided guidance and monitoring for those who media platforms, including broadcasting, online
did not pass their inspections. Additionally, on-site media, and the public warning service, were
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