Page 84 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 84

06    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         06

               24:1. Among the newly infected, 91% of them had   as of 2022, 2,669 people had received holistic
               contracted the disease through unsafe sex, particularly   integrated care services.
               unsafe homosexual sex. These constituted 80% of all   (5)  The MOHW implemented a universal HIV
               contracted cases for the year. The outcome of disease   screening among pregnant women. In 2021, 5
               prevention in 2022 is as follows:                 new cases were found through the screening of
              (1)  Four gender diversity-friendly community      pregnant woman but, thanks to the preventive
                 health centers were established to provide      measures, there had been no cases of vertical
                 HIV consultations, outpatient care, and health   transmission. (Figure 6-6)
                 education, offering screening services to     (6)  There were 86 designated medical institutions
                 approximately 10,000 people.                    and 87 community drug stores that provide
              (2)  The "Harm Reduction Program" remained in      medical services for HIV/AIDS patients. The
                 place. Newly reported cases of substance abuse   Plan for Service Quality Improvement in
                 had fallen from 72% in 2005 to 2% in 2022.      Hospitals Designated for Treatment of HIV/
              (3)  For privacy concerns and convenience          AIDS was launched. 95% of HIV patients
                 purposes, the MOHW has offered HIV screening     received medication, and 95% of those receiving
                 consultation and referral services through its Free   medication had an undetectable viral load.
                 HIV Anonymous Screening and Consultation      (7)  Local  health  bureaus  (health  centers)  were
                 Project to approximately 33,327 people. The     instructed to  ensure  that  patients  received
                 MOHW also supplied self-screening kits for AIDS   medical assistance regularly and reinforce
                 through manual distribution, automatic kiosks,   consultation services and followup checkups for
                 and convenient store pickups for online orders.   their partners. Subsidies were also provided to
                 More than 54,438 people have benefitted from    NGOs that assist with patient care as halfway
                 this service.                                   houses or offer treatment arrangements,
              (4)  The Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) program   emergency accommodation, and case
                 continued to be implemented. Together with      management services. Placement was offered in
                 local health bureaus and 38 executing agencies,   989 cases, and case management services were
                                                                 provided to 468 patients.
              Figure 6-6   New HIV Cases and Positive Incidence Rate under the Universal Screening Program

                                                                                            Incidence Rate
             Cases                                                                   (per 100,000 population)
             35                                                                                   21
                  31                   New Reported HIV Cases
             30                                                                                   18
                                       Positivity Rate among Newly Reported
                    16                 Cases Detected by Prenatal Screening
             25                        (per 100,000 population)                                   15

             20                                                                                   12

             15                                                                                   9

             10                                                      9                  8         6
                       7                                                       8          5
                                                        7        7     5
                            6                 6               4                 4            5
                                                                          5                   4
              5                                 3        3         3               4              3
                         3      3    3             3                        3        2
                             3            2          1
                                  2    2    1
              0                                                                                   0
                 2006  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
            Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control                                      Year
     82                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  83
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89