Page 74 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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05 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 05
services, transportation services, assistive To establish integration between home-based care
devices, home accessibility improvements, and long-term care services models so as to prevent
mobile bathing services, and respite services. clients of chronic diseases from deterioration and
They could also avail themselves of community- worsening in disability, the MOHW has implemented
based transportation services to be transported its "Family Physician Care Program for Home-Based
to LTC stations around the blocks (C stations) Disabled Case" from July 19, 2019 onward. The
or participate in activities and services aimed Program involves dispatching medical staff to the
at preventing or delaying disability (dementia). homes of disabled cases in nearby communities
In the case of individuals assessed as having and perform health and chronic illness management,
dementia but not disabled, they could also utilize issue LTC physician's opinion and special precautions
SPDF and IDCC. Additionally, family members for service personnel intending to care recipients and
with caregiver support service needs could so forth as the basis for the formulation of care plans.
utilize support services for family caregivers As of the end of 2022, a total of 871 clinics / health
bases for assistance. According to statistics, in centers took part in the project.
2022, long-term care for families with foreign 5. Long-Term Care 2.0 Link Up Discharge Preparation
in-home caregivers were 66,440 individuals in Plan
total, marking a growth of 1.06 times compared In order to facilitate timely access to long-term
to 2021 (62,572 individuals), with the service care services for hospitalized patients after their
volume increasing annually. discharge from the hospital, the MOHW has
To alleviate the burden and stress on family implemented the "Incentive program for Long-term
caregivers, as of December 1, 2020, care Care 2.0 link up discharge preparation plan." This
recipients who were assessed as requiring level program integrates assessment tools, personnel
2 or above of long-term care needs were eligible training, information systems, and evaluation
to apply for respite services, without being processes. The previous procedure of conducting
subject to the 30-day window period. Employers assessments only after clients submit their
of foreign domestic caregivers had the flexibility applications upon discharge has been improved,
to choose suitable respite service models or opt with the process being 3 days prior to discharge,
for a combination thereof. According to statistics, and individuals can obtain long-term care services
in 2022, a total of 24,926 individuals employed within 7 days after being discharged.
foreign domestic caregivers and utilized respite In light of the intensive reablement services
services, experiencing a growth of 1.45 times needs of clients after discharge, the MOHW has
compared to 2021 (17,225 individuals). strengthened the coordination between medical
Taking into account the uncertainties that care and long-term care services and increased the
may arise during the process of hiring foreign capacity for discharge preparation services. It has
domestic caregivers, such as their whereabouts actively promoted specialized reablement services
becoming unknown or changes in their to seize the golden recovery period within 3 months
employment status (such as switching employers after discharge, assisting in independent living
or leaving the country upon contract completion), training and thereby alleviating the burden and costs
if the care recipient is assessed as requiring level of family caregiving. As of December 2022, a total
2 or above of long-term care needs and provides of 270 hospitals have participated in the program.
relevant documentary evidence, it is considered 6. Minimizing Outpatient Visits by Institutional
as if no foreign caregiver is employed under their Residents Plan
name. As a result, they are eligible to apply for all In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic,
long-term care services, including care services, taking into consideration the higher proportion
to alleviate the pressure of family caregiver. of residents with chronic diseases in residential
4. Family Physician Care Program for Home-Based facilities, some of whom may require regular visits
Disabled Case to medical institutions for medication, and the
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