Page 76 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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05 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 05
Chapter 4 Long-Term Care Services government care centers, which was officially
Quality announced on January 15, 2020, and included
in the 2021 health administration evaluation, local
Section 1 Strengthening the Role and governments were encouraged to establish internal
Functions of Care Management control mechanisms for care management services.
Additionally, the "Operational Procedures for
Personnel and Ensuring the
Inspection and Reporting of Anomalies in Long-Term
Service Quality
Care Case Services" were developed, allowing local
1. To enhance the public's professional trust in governments to supervise and ensure the proper
government of long-term care services and execution of responsibilities within their jurisdiction
ensure stability and clear role positioning for care based on their operational and management needs.
management personnel (hereinafter referred to 2. Since the launch of the Long-term Care 10-
as "care managers"). In addition to adjusting year Plan 2.0 in 2017, there has been significant
the remuneration for military and public servants progress in the development of long-term care
in 2022, has also obtained the approval of the service resources and the expansion of the service
Executive Yuan to employ care managers in workforce. In addition to the growth in service
long-term care management centers of local capacity, the MOHW has actively promoted various
governments on a contract basis from 2023. measures to enhance and maintain the quality of
Moreover, they are not subject to the 5% restriction long-term care services. These measures include:
on the total personnel budget of the agency, aiming
(1) Regularly conducting institutional evaluations to
to stabilize the care management workforce and
establish a comprehensive monitoring mechanism:
encourage long-term commitment.
A. For various long-term care institutions
2. The responsibilities of care managers include
established in accordance with the Long-
specialized tasks such as assessing the disability Term Care Services Act, they are subject to
levels in long-term care (including initial and follow- evaluation every four years in accordance with
up assessments), collaborating with Case Managers the Long-Term Care Act and the Regulations
from Unit A to develop and review care plans, on Evaluation of Long-Term Care Service
coordinating and linking resources across units, Institutions. The evaluation results should be
conducting inspections and audits to ensure the publicly announced by local governments to
quality of post-case services, and performing audits facilitate service users in making informed
of service units. choices regarding long-term care services.
3. Continuously organize relevant courses focusing In cases where the evaluation results are
on resource integration and linkage, program deemed unsatisfactory, the institutions are
review and analysis, interpersonal communication, required to make improvements within a
and leadership skills. Additionally, establish care specified period. Depending on the specific
management indicators to assist local governments improvement progress, penalties, temporary
in establishing internal audit and control mechanisms closure, or revocation of their establishment
for care management operations. Additionally, permits may be imposed.
published care management personnel manuals and B. In accordance with the Long-Term Care
assessment scale operation manuals to enhance Services Act and its related subsidiary
service quality and strengthen practical experience. regulations, local authorities were required to
diligently implement the management of long-
Section 2 Mechanisms for Enhancing
term care institutions and personnel. It was
the Quality of Long-Term Care
obligatory for them to conduct unannounced
Services inspections at least once a year.
1. By implementing a pilot program for establishing (2) Implementing contractor management and an
care management performance indicators at local exit mechanism
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