Page 77 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 77
05 Long-Term Care Services 05
A. Revised reference template for the contract C. Local governments should establish
agreement between municipal and county contractual division areas based on the size
governments and contracted long-term care of their jurisdiction, population density, and
service providers, to be used by various local distribution of resources, aiming to achieve
governments for the provision of contracted balanced development of service resources.
units in long-term care services. This template D. Evaluation indicators guide the refinement
allows for regular monitoring, supervision of service quality: The health administration
(guidance), and periodic evaluations of evaluation indicators have incorporated
services, as well as conducting satisfaction "home care quality management" and "adult
surveys for individual cases as needed. foster care quality management mechanisms
B. Additionally, through the contractual demerit of local gover nment," encouraging
point system, local governments will utilize local governments to establish relevant
this mechanism to enforce sanctions for mechanisms. Regularly selected cases
violations. In cases of serious violations, the were visited and assessed to understand
contract termination process and referral the service situation, maintaining detailed
mechanisms for transitioning service recipients records. Analytical assessments, reviews,
will be implemented, ensuring the protection of and improvement strategies were proposed
individual service rights and benefits. based on the examination results and any
(3) Improving Service Quality and Keep Up anomalies detected.
Management: 3. Program for Attaining Service Excellence at Long-
A. Appropriately utilize the long-term care term Care Institutions
payment audit system declaration data: To address the uneven quality of residential service
Local governments are urged to regularly institutions and the issue of limited availability, the
compare the declaration data with the service Program for Attaining Service Excellence at Long-
records of long-term care institutions and term Care Institutions has been implemented since
the registration status of long-term care 2020. It focuses on five types of residential service
personnel. In addition, proactive investigations institutions: elderly welfare institutions (excluding
and assessments should be conducted nursing beds), accommodation institutions
regarding any abnormal declarations, with for persons with disabilities (excluding early
the aim of understanding the situation and intervention), general nursing homes, psychiatric
providing guidance for improvement. nursing homes, and accommodation-based
B. response to the linkage of long-term care long-term care institutions established under the
services, it is necessary to establish case Long-term Care Services Act. Four categories
management quality assessment and of quality indicators have been established,
management mechanisms. This includes including "compliance with reporting system
incorporating management assessment data," "improvement of public safety," "provision of
mechanisms and abnormal indicator adequate daily living spaces," and "enhancement of
investigations into health administration care quality." Institutions that achieve all indicators in
evaluation indicators to supervise and guide a given year are rewarded. In 2022, a total of 1,290
county and city governments in actively institutions were participated.
implementing supportive management
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