Page 70 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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05    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         05

              (3)  Long-term care personnel management: to     to deliver services such as care and professional
                 provide complete long-term care services,     services, transportation services, assistive device
                 "Regulations for the Training, Certification,   services, home accessibility improvement services,
                 Continuous Education and Registration for Long-  and respite care.
                 term Care Personnel" stipulating the training that   3. Once the contracted long-term care providers
                 care workers should have, contents of certification   have fully provided the services, they can apply
                 and other courses and their procedure and other   to the local government for cost reimbursement.
                 matters; also, for matters that foreign in-home   Considering the limited service resources and
                 caregivers should comply with, the "Regulation for   transportation difficulties in indigenous areas and
                 the supplementary training of foreigners engaged   offshore islands, a payment price that is 20% higher
                 in in-home care work."                        than that in general areas is provided. However, the
              (4)  Long-term care services resources development:   payment is still calculated based on the prices in
                 The "Regulations Governing Subsidies and      general areas, and the additional payment amount
                 Rewards for Long-term Care Services Resource   is borne by the government. To prevent cases with
                 Development" have been formulated, providing   challenging care needs or special service time
                 subsidies and rewards and methods for         requirements from being rejected, an additional
                 the development of various long-term care     payment amount is provided for difficult care cases
                 resources, with subsidies and rewards given on   or services provided during special time periods,
                 a priority base to offshore islands, remote areas,   such as evenings or nights. This aims to encourage
                 indigenous areas and other areas lacking long-  the strengthening of care for difficult cases and the
                 term care resources.                          provision of services during special time periods in
                                                               line with the policy.
            Section 2  Long-term Care Benefits and
                        Payments System                      Chapter 2 The Long-Term Care Resource

            1. From 2018 onwards, the promotion of a new system          Development
               for long-term care benefits and payments has been
                                                             Section 1  Service System and Resource
               initiated to meet the diverse needs of individuals.
                                                                        Integrated Development
               The goal is to encourage service providers to
               enhance their capacity and quality of services by   1. Community care service networks
               defining the items, content, and payment prices   To develop a community-based integrated care
               for long-term care services. In alignment with the   service model, Long-term Care 2.0 promotes the
               amendment to Article 8-1, paragraph 4 of the Long-  community overall care system with cultivating
               Term Care Services Act, promulgated on June 9,   community integrated services centers (A)
               2021, the new system for long-term care benefits   expanding combined service center (B) and widely
               and payments has been elevated in legal status.   establishing LTC stations around the blocks (C)as
               The "Regulations on Application and Payment for   the principle. City / county governments have been
               Long-Term Care Services" were established and   encouraged to work with long-term care, medical
               became effective from February 1, 2022.          care, nursing and social welfare units. The MOHW
            2. Individuals who meet the eligibility criteria for long-  plans to establish 469 integrated service centers,
               term care benefits and payments, and are assessed   829 combined service centers and 2,529 LTC
               by care managers as falling within Long-Term Care   stations around the blocks in four years (between
               Case-Mix System(CMS) Levels 2 to 8, are entitled   2017- 2020) (469A-829B-2,529C). As of the end
               to have a care plan developed by Community      of 2022, the progress thus far was (684A-7,432B-
               Integrated  Service  Centers.  These  centers   3,758C), with the following deployment in various
               coordinate with contracted long-term care providers   municipalities as shown in Figure 5-1.

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