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04 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 04
6. According to the United Nations' "2023 World 3. The MOHW subsidized county and city governments
Happiness Report," which assesses various to recruit 383 outreach communitycare visitors.
indicators such as life evaluations, positive In 2022, 106,029 outreach visits were made to
emotions, negative emotions among nationals of 556,045 psychiatric patients.
different countries, our country ranked 27th, placing
4. In accordance with the "Mental Health Act,"
second in East Asia. This demonstrates that the
the process of reviewing and handling cases
aforementioned mental health promotion has had a
involving mandatory hospitalization and mandatory
certain effectiveness.
community treatment for severely mentally ill
Section 2 Psychiatric Health Services patients were carried out. In 2022, there were
504 applications, including 469 applications for
1. The MOHW continued to utilize the seven regional
mandatory hospitalization and 35 applications for
psychiatric care networks. Within these networks,
mandatory community treatment. (Table 4-3)
designated core hospitals promote mental health
within the region, develop the regional psychiatric 5. Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
care network. accreditations of psychiatric hospitals and
2. In 2021, there were 569 psychiatric care institutions psychiatric teaching hospitals for 2022 were
in Taiwan (202 hospitals and 367 clinics), with a temporarily suspended. Hospitals within their
combined total of 20,903 beds available (including qualified accreditation period has their qualification
7,334 beds for general acute psychiatric care period extended accordingly. The accreditations of
and 13,569 beds for general chronic psychiatric psychiatric rehabilitation institutions and psychiatric
care, averaging approximately 8.99 beds for every nursing homes for 2022 were generally suspended
10,000 people.) There were 76 daytime psychiatric as well, with the qualified institutions having
rehabilitation institutions (with an admission capacity their qualification period extended. However, for
of 3,580 individuals), 166 residential psychiatric psychiatric rehabilitation institutions and psychiatric
rehabilitation institutions (with 7,034 beds), 5,992 nursing homes that did not have a qualified
individuals in psychiatric day care centers, and 49 accreditation period but expressed a willingness
psychiatric nursing homes (with a total of 5,013 and urgent need for accreditation in 2022, individual
beds). on-site accreditations were arranged based on the
Review Cases for Mandatory Hospitalization and Mandatory Community
Table 4-3
Treatment by the Review Board from 2018 to 2022
Mandatory hospitalization Mandatory community treatment
Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Case Mandatory
Date Hospitalization Hospitalization community community community
review Hospitalization
cases cases treatment treatment cases treatment
approval rate
reviewed approved cases approved approval rate
Jan. - Dec.
2018 690 642 592 92.21% 48 46 95.83%
Jan. - Dec.
2019 725 683 629 92.09% 42 41 97.62%
Jan. - Dec. 656 604 545 90.2% 52 52 100%
Jan. - Dec.
2021 574 534 502 94.0% 40 40 100%
Jan. - Dec.
2022 504 469 432 92.1% 35 34 97.1%
54 55