Page 58 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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04 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 04
to set up 6 Substance Treatment and Research 7,434 radiology technicians, 185,778 nurses, 201
Centers, and 104 hospitals, clinics, offices of midwives, and 3,588 dietitians.
psychotherapy, psychological counselling and social
Section 2 Training Health Professionals
work offices were connected to develop diverse
In order to ensure the professional competence
treatment models and intervention solutions that are
of medical workforce, the government has adopted
empirically proven to be effective.
regulatory measures on medical education and
7. The MOHW is committed to Internet addiction
training. The results attained are as follows:
disorder (IAD) prevention and treatment. Following
1. According to Taiwan's "Diplomate Specialization
its Integrated Mental Health Work Plan for 2022,
and Examination Regulations" there are 23 medical
local departments of healthand education worked
specialties. Until the end of 2022, 58,214 physicians
together to promote its assessment tool for Internet
received their medical specialty licenses in Taiwan.
use habitsto education units to raise the level of self-
awareness of youngsters and carried IADprevention 2. On October 5, 2018, the revised "Dentist
advocacy and prevention education and training. Specialization and Examination Regulations" was
The development of the IAD treatment professional announced, and the number of specializations
training system continues, including the preparation for dentists was increased from three to seven,
of course materials and clinical guidelines based on for a total of 10 specializations. As of the end of
the curriculum content. December 2022, a total of 5,758 dentists have
been certified by the Ministry (including 463 in
Chapter 3 Medical and Public Health oral maxillo-facial surgery, 83 in oral pathology,
Manpower 786 in orthodontics, 385 in pedodontics, 320
in endodontics, 273 in prosthodontics, 137 in
Section 1 Current Status of Medical operative dentistry, 514 in periodontics, 2,169 in
Manpower family dentistry, and 628 in special needs dentistry).
3. Post-graduated year training is conducted to
1. Taiwan has 15 laws and regulations governing
strengthen the concept and ability of holistic care.
the licensing requirements of medical personnel:
In 2022, there were 39 teaching hospitals and 108
the "Physicians Act," the "Pharmacists Act," the
collaborating hospitals joining post-graduated year
"Midwifery Personnel Act," the "Dietitians Act," the
(PGY) training programs. 2,695 post-graduated
"Nursing Personnel Act," the "Physical Therapists
doctors accepted PGY training under this scheme.
Act," the "Occupational Therapists Act," the
(1,407 in the first PGY year, and 1,288 in the
"Medical Technologists Act," the "Medical Radiation
second PGY year.)
Technologists Act," the "Psychologists Act," the
"Respiratory Therapists Act," the "Hearing Specialists 4. To enhance the quality of oral healthcare,
Act," the "Speech Therapists Act," the "Dental postgraduate clinical training programs for dentists
Technicians Act," and the "Optometric Personnel Act." is active promoted. In 2022, a total of 629 training
institutions were approved, including 94 hospitals
2. President Tsai Ing-wen promulgated the Public
and 535 clinics, to carry out two-year postgraduate
Health Specialists Act on June 3, 2020. Through
general medical training programs for dentists.
accreditation of the state, Taiwan aims to enhance
A total of 923 dentists received training in 2022,
public health by expanding the pool of qualified
including 450 in PGY1 and 473 in PGY2.
professionals and establishing a framework of
specialized services. 5. To enhance the professional nursing development
and health care quality, nurse practitioner
3. As of 2022, the total number of healthcare
certification examinations began in 2006. As of
professionals in various categories was 354,101.
end of 2022, the total number of certificated nurse
Among them, there were 76,730 physicians
practitioners was 13,851, as shown in Table 4-4.
(including Western medicine doctors, traditional
Also, to enhance the quality and safety of anesthesia
Chinese medical doctors, and dentists), 36,336
nursing, the MOHW added anesthesia as a specialty
pharmacists, 10,400 medical laboratory technicians,
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