Page 60 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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04    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         04

                    implemented to establish a dual-track         C. Promotion of the legislation of nursepatient
                    mediation model in medical law. In the          ratio: Amendments to the nursepatient ratio
                    2022 fiscal year, a total of 22 counties and    were published on February 1, 2019 in
                    cities participated in the program, and 359     the "Establishment Standards for Medical
                    mediation cases were accepted. The success      Institutions" (Medical centers ≦1:9, regional
                    rate of mediation was 40.6%. (Please note       hospitals ≦1:12 and local hospitals ≦1:15).
                    that the program for the 2022-2023 fiscal       The amendments became effective on May 1
                    year spanned across two years, and the          of the same year.
                    statistical data covers the period from April 9,
                                                                  D. The MOHW launched the platform for nursing
                    2022, to December 31, 2022.)
                                                                    personnel to report workplace disputes on
                 B. Advanced the legislation of the "Medical        February 1, 2018. By the end of 2022, a total
                    Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution      of 2,231 reports were made. Investigation
                    Act," which was passed by the Legislative       reports were made public monthly. Of the
                    Yuan after three readings on May 30th,          total, some 16% were penalized. Given the
                    2022 and promulgated by the President           ongoing pandemic, this reporting mechanism
                    on June 22nd, 2022. It is scheduled to be       also became a channel for nursing personnel
                    implemented in January 2024.
                                                                    to present their views, which were addressed
            3. In an effor to improve the workplace environment     promptly or relayed to other competent
               of nursing personnel, the Department of Nursing      authorities when warranted. In turn, it proved
               and  Health  Care  has  been  actively  promoting    effective in bolstering the support of frontline
               relevant reforms, with the purpose of facilitate the   nursing personnel in the fight against the
               retention as well as encouraging nurses who left the   pandemic. The MOHW has installed a
               professional field to return. The following outcomes   website specifically for nursing personnel.
               have been achieved in 2022:                          Besides integrating information related to the

              (1)  Increasing the number of nurses and reducing     profession, emphasis is placed on interactions
                 their turnover/vacancy rates:                      through live streams, policy dialogues, and
                 At of the end of 2022, 187,519 registered nurses   dispute reporting in order to help nursing
                 worked in Taiwan, an increase of over 51,000       personnel resolve whatever difficulties they
                 compared to 2012. The turnover rate fell from      may encounter, and engage in public affairs.
                 13.14% in 2012 to 10.13% in 2021. The total   (3)  Raising Salaries and Benefits
                 vacancy rate fell from 7.2% in 2012 to 4.7% in
                                                                 According to the survey conducted by the
                                                                 Ministry of Labor in the 2022 fiscal year, the
              (2)  Reducing Workloads and Improving Nurse-       total annual salary for nursing professionals from
                 Patient Ratios and Work Conditions              August 2021 to July 2022 was NTD699,000.
                 A. In 2015, nurse-patient ratio became a hospital   (4)  Since 2017, various mechanisms have been
                    evaluation item. The evaluation criteria is the   implemented to support nursing professionals
                    "all-day average nurse patient ratio for hospital   in engaging in innovative community care,
                    acute ordinary beds": Medical centers: ≦9    establishing local home nursing care brands and
                    people with day shift average nurse-patient   models. These mechanisms include evaluation
                    ratio of ≦7 people, regional hospitals: ≦12
                                                                 systems, guidance for establishment, evidence-
                    people, and local hospitals: ≦15.
                                                                 based training, technological applications,
                 B. Tie-inofnurse-patientratio to hospitalization   incentive programs, transitional education, training
                    insurance bonus: starting from 2018 onward,   bases, and public funding for master's degrees.
                    the bonus bracket has been expanded          The number of home nursing clinic has increased
                    once more to 2-20% as a way to encourage     from 538 in 2017 to 728 in 2022, a 35.3%
                    hospitals to achieve the necessary threshold   increase. These efforts aim to meet the demands
                    for nurse-patient ratio.                     for care services, provide diverse employment

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