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04 Health Care 04
models, extend the professional lifespan of shared decision-making platform for healthcare
nurses, and increase their practice rates. professionals. In 2022, there were 111 hospitals
actively participating in the practice of shared
Chapter 4 Health Care Quality decision-making between healthcare providers and
patients. These efforts aim to enhance patient safety
Section 1 Patient Safety and Quality of
and improve the quality of healthcare decision-
Medical Care making.
The MOHW has aimed to improve the quality
Section 2 Reforming the Hospital
of patient-centered services and establish a hospital
Accreditation System
evaluation/accreditation system, annual objectives for
healthcare quality and patient safety, and a patient The MOHW is reforming the hospital accreditation
safety reporting system. Significant achievements in system with patient safety and quality of medical
2022 are as follows: care as its core concerns. Taiwan intend to foster
tangible reform, reduce the undue pressure that the
1. The MOHW drew up the "2022-2023 Taiwan Patient
accreditation process puts on hospitals, simplify/clarify
Safety Goals for Hospitals and Clinics" (Table 4-5).
the Hospital Accreditation Standards, and ensure that
2. The Taiwan Patient Safety Reporting System (TPR)
Taiwan keeps pace with current international standards
has been used to effect a patient safety culture. In
in hospital accreditation.
2022, 16,072 healthcare organizations participated
2020-2022, hospital and teaching hospital
in the TPR, and preliminary statistics indicate that
evaluations were suspended; validity of accreditation
around 80,954 cases were reported.
of hospitals accredited 2016-2019 was extended by
3. As of 2022, the "Taiwan Patient Safety Net" includes
three years.
a total of 52 decision support tools within their
Table 4-5 2022-2023 Taiwan Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals and Clinics
No. Taiwan Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals
1 Improve teamwork and communication among healthcare professionals
Create a Culture of Safety, Healthcare organizations resilience, and implementing
adverse event management
3 Improve surgical safety
4 Prevention falls and reduce patient harm resulting from falls
5 Improve medication safety
6 Implement infection control
7 Enhance the safety of medical catheters/tubing use
8 Encourage patients and families engagement in healthcare safety
9 Safe maternal and newborn care
No. Taiwan Patient Safety Goals for Clinics
1 Improve effective communication
2 Improve medication safety
3 Improve surgical safety
4 Prevent falls
5 Implement infection control
6 Safe maternal and newborn care
Source: Taiwan Patient Safety Net, Department of Medical Affairs, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
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