Page 52 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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04 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 04
general beds, 7,365 acute psychiatric beds, 3,158 to Support Emergency Medical Services in Remote
chronic general beds, 13,519 chronic psychiatric Islands and Areas with Insufficient Medical Resources"
beds, 2 chronic tuberculosis beds, and 168 leprosy was continuously implemented. The program aimed
beds. On average, there are 43.61 general beds per to enhance the manpower of specialist physicians
10,000 people. Refer to Figure 4-1. and to ensure uninterrupted medical care in remote
areas. In 2022, a total of 139 specialist physicians from
Section 2 Emergency Medical Services
29 medical centers or advanced first aid emergency
MOHW continued to reinforce the emergency
responsibility hospital supported 29 hospitals in remote
medical services and to promote the comprehensive
islands and areas with insufficient medical resources.
contingency mechanism:
4. As of 2022, there were approximately 12,137
1. First aid responsibility hospitals until the end of 2022
automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in Taiwan,
were listed and stratified according to grades in Table
equivalent to 52.8 AEDs for every 100,000 people.
4-2. There have been 52 medical sub-regions, with
A total of 5,820 places have been certified as "safe
46 advanced first-aid responsibility hospitals, 77
locations" which means that AEDs were installed
intermediate ones and 83 general ones established.
inside, and at least 70% of employees have
2. In 2022, 20 projects were rewarded for implementing completed CPR and AED training.
"Improvement Plan for Areas with Insufficient Medical
Section 3 Children's Medical Care
Resources." We aimed to establish four models,
including "emergency medical stations in tourist Launched in 2021, The Program for Excellence
areas," "First aid Stations during Nights and Holidays," in Child Health Care aims to invest in child health
and "Enhancement of Capabilities of the Emergency by improving perinatal and critical medical care and
Department Capabilities in Regions with Insufficient strengthening primary care and health management.
Emergency Medical Resources, "Reinforcement 1. Implemented the "Core Hospital Program," with six
of the 24-hour emergency department capacity in core hospitals established during 2021 to 2022.
regions with inadequate medical resources." These hospitals provided medical care for 13
3. From 2020 to 2023, the "Incentive Program for categories of rare and severe diseases in children.
Medical Centers or Major Emergency Care Hospitals Additionally, 2 specialized teams for pediatric critical
Figure 4-1 Status of Hospital Beds in Medical Care Institutions, 2022
General Inpatient
101,460 beds
Specialty Care
37,978 bedsnote
Source: Department of Statistics, MOHW, 2022 Medical institution service volume statistical year book
Note: Special beds include intensive care beds, burn beds, burn intensive care beds, infant beds, emergency observation beds, palliative
care beds, chronic respiratory care beds, subacute respiratory care beds, psychiatric intensive care beds, general isolation beds,
positive pressure isolation beds, negative pressure isolation beds, bone marrow transplant beds, beds for compulsory treatment of
sexual offenders, acute post-acute care beds, integrated medicine emergency transfer beds, surgical recovery beds, infant beds,
hemodialysis beds, peritoneal dialysis beds, custody beds, and others.
Table 4-2 Number of Emergency Responsibility Hospital in 2022, by Grade
Emergency Treatment Grade Advanced Intermediate General Total
Number of Institutions 46 77 83 206
Source: Department of Medical Affairs, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
50 51