Page 157 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 157
12 Research, Development, and 12
International Cooperation
Geneva to advocate for Taiwan's participation in the WHA. Bilateral meetings were held with delegations from
various countries and international health professional organizations. Taiwan demonstrates its commitment and
determination to improve the right to health by practical actions. Taiwan's diplomatic allies and like-minded
countries also strongly voiced their support through diverse and specific initiatives at the WHA.
● The "WHA Action Team" held bilateral meetings with the delagations from various countries
2. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
In August 2022, MOHW Deputy Minister Chung-
Liang Shih attended the APEC High-Level Meeting
on Health and the Economy in Thailand and
shared Taiwan's built up anti-epidemic experience
from SARS, aiming to address more severe
future challenges and threats to public health.
Furthermore, Taiwan-led "Digital Health Sub-
Working Group" compiled digital anti-epidemic
measures from various economies and published
the "Summary Report of APEC Economies' Digital
Policy Measures to Combat COVID-19" on the
APEC website in March 2022.
● Summary Report of APEC Economies'
Digital Policy Measures to Combat
154 ● APEC High-Level Meeting on Health and the Economy 155