Page 29 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 29
02 | Health and Welfare Indicators
Section 4 Economic Security of Children (livelihood assistance) to children from low-income
households, as well as support for vulnerable children
and Youth
Due to the impact of declining birth rates, the and youth who may face difficulties despite not being
population of children and youth has been decreasing from low-income households. These measures aim to
year by year. As of the end of 2023, the population of help them overcome challenging circumstances. Over
individuals under 18 in our country was 3.404 million, a the past decade, the amount of living assistance for
decrease of 854,000 compared to 2013, representing children from low-income households and support for
a decline of 20.1% over the past decade. In terms of vulnerable children and youth has gradually decreased
gender, there was a decrease of 20.4% for males and due to the decline in the number of children and youth.
19.7% for females compared to the end of 2013. It went from NTD 6.63 billion in 2013 to NTD 4.73
To ensure the economic security of children billion in 2023. (Figures 2-16, 2-17).
and youth, local governments provide living subsidies
Figure 2-16 Population of Children and Youth under 18 Years Old
10,000 population
Male Female
415.0 404.3
400 398.7 390.1 377.9 370.2
351.8 343.2 340.4
300 198.8 193.7 191.0 187.0 181.3 177.6 173.6 168.9 165.0 163.8
222.0 216.2 210.7 207.7 203.1 196.6 192.6 188.0 182.9 178.2 176.6
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year
Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Figure 2-17 Amount of Subsidies (Assistance) for Children and Youth
100 Million
Amount of living assistance for Amount of child living support for
70.0 vulnerable children and youth low-income households
62.3 62.7
60.0 58.9
53.1 52.8 51.4 51.3
50.0 27.8 27.4 47.3
27.1 28.0
40.0 25.0 25.2 24.2 24.3 22.1
38.5 36.4 35.2 34.7 31.8 30.1 28.1 27.6 27.2 27.0 25.2
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year
Source: Department of Statistics, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)