Page 28 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

              Figure 2-14    Victims of Domestic Violence Rate, by Year

                Per 100,000 population
                                          Total      Male      Female
                       655                                           631   643
                              581 575 567 558           559                             566
                  600                                                      505    531
                       472                                    440    485
                              409   408 405      405    410                       388   424
                  400                                                336   364
                        272                             247   286
                              225 230      231   239

                        2013  2014   2015  2016   2017  2018   2019  2020   2021  2022   2023   Year
            Source: Department of Statistics, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
            Note: Victims of Domestic Violence Rate=Reported victims/mid-year population x 100,000

                 In terms of reported case types, in 2023 there   predominant case type has consistently been "Marital,
            were 168,000 cases, with the highest proportion   Divorced or Cohabitation Relationship," as shown in
            (48.4%) attributed to "Marital, Divorced or Cohabitation   Fig. 2-15. For more information on the handling of
            Relationship." "Children and Youth Protection"   domestic violence, refer to Sections 2 and 3 under
            accounted for 16.1% of the cases, while "Elderly   Chapter 2 of Part 11.
            Protection" accounted for 6.8%. Over the years, the

              Figure 2-15    Domestic Violence Reported Cases by Type and Year
                            Marital, Divorced or  Cohabitation  Relationship  Elder protection
                            Children and youths protection              Others
                       13.1  11.5   11.7  11.8   11.9  12.0   12.8  14.2   14.9   15.7  16.8  10,000
                 100                                                                          cases
                             24.7   23.5  24.9   25.7  26.7   28.4
                                                                    28.3   29.9   29.4   28.8
                 80    2.8
                              2.9   5.1    6.0    6.3   6.5   5.4    6.0          6.7    6.8
                 60    31.0  19.3   18.3  13.8   13.3  12.7   16.4  17.7    6.6
                                                                           16.4   16.1  16.1


                       46.6  53.1   53.1  55.3   54.7  54.2   49.8  47.9   47.1   47.8   48.4

                      2013   2014  2015   2016  2017   2018   2019  2020   2021  2022   2023   Year
            Source: Department of Statistics, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
            Note: 1. In order to clearly define the scope of domestic violence, the number of notifications since 2014 did not include "strangers" and
                  "family members other than fourth degree of kinship."
                2. The case type "others" mainly includes "violence between other family members" and "abuse of lineal ascendants under the age of
                  65 by lineal blood/ marriage descendants."

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