Page 136 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 136

2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

                    For contracted social workers, the salary       The Ministry of Health and Welfare, municipal
                    point conversion rate will be set at NTD 130    governments, and county/city governments
                    per point, and for contracted protective social   all commission and subsidize social work
                    workers, it will be set at NTD 133.6 per point,   personnel at private organizations. The
                    resulting in an adjustment range of NTD         Ministry has also led the Juvenile and Family
                    1,569 to NTD 3,000. In 2024, in line with the   Court of the Judicial Yuan, the National
                    salary adjustments for military personnel, civil   Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the
                    servants, and teachers, the social worker       Interior, and the Council of Indigenous
                    salary scale was adjusted to NTD 140.3 per      Peoples to amend the relevant regulations on
                    point, and NTD 143.9 per point for protective   professional service fees in their respective
                    social workers.                                 subsidized programs, benefiting more than
                 B. Subsidy Program for Salary System of            10,000 social workers.
                    Social Workers in NGOs: The originally fixed   (3)  To protect the labor rights of social workers,
                    professional service fee was adjusted to     the "Labor Grievance and Communication
                    a monthly social worker entry-level salary   Platform for Social Welfare Personnel" was
                    subsidy of NTD 34,916 and a monthly social   established on March 31, 2018. On August
                    work supervisor entry-level salary subsidy   24, 2018, the operational procedures for
                    of NTD 40,901, with a tiered professional    labor dispute grievances were promulgated.
                    service fee subsidies (totaling 7 tiers) based   On June 30, 2023, the amended operational
                    on seniority, education, license and execution   procedures for handling labor grievances of
                    of dangerous tasks to facilitate retention of   social welfare personnel were promulgated. On
                    professionals. The subsidies for the labor   December 27, 2023, a review and progress
                    and health insurance premiums borne by the   meeting on the protection of labor rights for
                    employers of private organizations and the   social welfare personnel was convened, inviting
                    provision of pension reserves were increased   local governments, the Ministry of Labor,
                    to NTD 5,000 per person per month to         relevant agencies, and various social worker
                    reduce the financial burden. In 2023, the    unions. From its establishment in 2018 until
                    subsidies for social worker entry-level      the end of 2023, the Labor Grievance and
                    salaries at private organizations were further   Communication Platform for Social Welfare
                    adjusted by 8.16%, with the subsidy for      Personnel has handled a total of 103 cases,
                    social worker entry-level salaries set at NTD   with 97 cases closed and 6 cases under
                    37,765 per month and the subsidy for social   investigation. The investigation results of the
                    work supervisor entry-level salaries set at   closed cases are shown in Table 10-4. All
                    NTD 44,239 per month. A systematic salary    confirmed cases of violations were penalized in
                    adjustment mechanism was established,        accordance with the law, and the competent
                    with salaries adjusted in accordance with    authorities were instructed to provide guidance
                    the adjustment rates for military personnel,   for improvement. The operational procedures
                    civil servants, and teachers. The subsidy    for handling labor grievances of social welfare
                    for employers' labor and health insurance    personnel were revised based on the experience
                    contributions and labor pension reserve funds   gained, enhancing the effectiveness of case
                    was increased to NTD 6,000 per person per    investigations.
                    month, promoting public-private collaboration
                    and ensuring full salary payment.

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