Page 135 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 135
10 | Social Assistance and Social Work
were held, and 14,625 application cases for social work profession system was included in
social worker were reexamined. the "Strengthening Social Safety Net Program"
(2) One social worker evaluation by specialty policy communication platform for coordination
was conducted according to the "Regulation across government departments to facilitate the
for Qualification by Category and Continuing promotion of related policies.
Education of Specialized Social Workers." As of (2) Every year we update the "Guidelines for
the end of 2023, a total of 802 specialist social Subsidizing Social Welfare Promotion" with
workers were accepted, including 313 medical respect to the labor conditions of social workers
social workers (39.00%), 213 mental health in the private sector. In 2016, we added
social workers (26.60%), 201 children, youth, the license allowance for specialized social
women, and family social workers (25.10%), 38 workers. In 2018, we increased the professional
geriatric social workers (4.70%), and 37 disability service fee for social workers and social work
social workers (4.60%). worker supervisors from NTD 33,000 to NTD
34,000 and from NTD 37,000 to NTD 38,200
(3) The professional competencies of social workers
are improved according to the "Regulations for respectively. In addition, based on the "Salary
Receiving Continuing Education and Renewing Adjustment for Public Social Workers" and
Business License for Social Workers" and the MOHW's "Subsidization for Salary Adjustment of
Private Social Workers" program approved by the
"Regulation for Qualification by Category and EY in June and September 2019 respectively, we
Continuing Education of Specialized Social added the dangerous professional compensation
Workers." In 2023, a total of 4,194 reviews on to the salary structure of social workers taking
continuing education score were conducted.
effect on January 1, 2020, as follows:
2. Protection of Social Workers' Rights
A. Salary Adjustment for Public Social Workers:
(1) In order to provide social workers with a friendly The original planned subsidies for high-
work environment and encourage them to choose risk occupation was added to the salary
full-time and long-term jobs, the Ministry of structure of social workers so that it could
Health and Welfare discussed with the Personnel be regularly included in the budget and paid
Administration Department of Executive Bureau out. Full-time social workers are entitled to
and Ministry of Personnel about measures like the table of professional allowance for civil
post adjustment and professional tables. The servants (II) from NTD 1,810 to NTD 3,000.
Social Workers Assigned to Social Welfare Tasks in Public and Private
Figure 10-2
Agencies, 2012-2023
25,000 Total Private Agencies Public Agencies
20,000 18,672
15,643 10,744 11,237
15,000 14,989 9,510 9,753
15,000 13,589 9,802
12,487 9,683 8,739
11,537 9,013
10,000 9,457 7,559
6,411 7,928
7,262 8,458
5,000 5,841 6,250 6,666
4,394 4,576
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year