Page 133 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 133
10 | Social Assistance and Social Work
Table 10-3 Emergency Relief in 2022-2023
2022 2023
Beneficiaries Relief Payment Beneficiaries Relief Payment
(People) Amount (NTD) (People) Amount (NTD)
Emergency Relief from Municipal 29,065 201,596,565 28,505 202,563,402
and County (City) Authorities
Emergency Relief 46 810,000 57 820,000
from MOHW
Immediate Care 6,332 86,752,567 6,492 92,346,246
Source: Department of Social Assistance and Social Work, Ministry of Health and Welfare, R.O.C.(Taiwan)
shelters were opened for Typhoon Doksuri on July regulations or methods of the homeless training according
24, Typhoon Khanun on August 2, Typhoon Saola to the number of homeless people, the homeless
on August 29, Typhoon Haikui on September 1, and assistance scale and needs within its jurisdiction.
Typhoon Koinu on October 3, with a total of 286 In 2023, 698,381 service instances were
shelters accommodating 5,216 people. provided, including 668,187 instances of care services,
The results of measures in response to COVID-19 290 instances of assistance in returning home, 3,337
are as follows: compensation for those under home instances of welfare application and provision, 9,403
isolation, home quarantine and family members as instances of referral for employment services or
caregivers; following the Guidelines on Compensations vocational training, 378 instances of rental assistance,
for Those Under Home Isolation and Quarantine, those 2,452 instances of placement (referral to institutions or
under home isolation, home quarantine and family shelters), and 14,111 instances of medical services.
members who are caregivers could be compensated
provided that they have not violated relevant Section 6 Savings Accounts for Future
regulations regarding these measures, and have not Education and Development of
received salaries or subsidies of a similar nature. As of Children and Youth
the end of 2023, the MOHW had approved 1,973,065 Under the "Savings Accounts for Future Education
epidemic prevention compensation cases with the and Development of Children and Youth" program,
amount of NTD 11,024,233,000. through the cooperation between the government and
poor families, parents of eligible children can deposit up
Section 5 Assistance for the Homeless to NTD 15,000 a year, and the government contributes
Counseling and Shelter Service for homeless the same amount. Besides encouraging families in
people provides three-stage services including poverty to make long-time savings (18 years), education
"emergency service, transition service and stabilization of financial management and family services are provided.
service," and to help homeless people rebuild and adapt During the saving process, social workers will accompany
to their life on the premise of respecting their basic and provide guidance for these families to reduce the
human rights and considering regional differences. risks that families or children or youth may encounter.
There were 2,934 homeless people registered After the program began on June 1, 2017, the president
with the local governments at the end of 2023. Over promulgated the "Act Governing Savings Accounts for
70% were located in 6 municipalities including Taipei Future Education and Development of Children and
City. In contrast, there were 6 counties/cities with less Youth" on June 6, 2018 to optimize the program's legality.
than 50 homeless people. Furthermore, there were As of the end of 2023, the number of applicants
no registered homeless people in Kinmen County, for accounts reached 31,606, with an application rate
Lienchiang County and Penghu County, which shown of 63% (Figure 10-1). Among them, 11,205 (35.45%)
a great difference between various places in the were from low-income families, 19,358 (61.25%) were
number of homeless people. from middle-to-low-income families, and 1,043 (3.3%)
According to Article 17 of the Public Assistance were from long-term placement. The monthly self-
Act, the local government shall formulate autonomous