Page 94 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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07 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 07
2. Strengthen Border Control 3. Provide Assistance to Businesses in Expanding
(1) In 2022, TFDA revised the inspection Presence in Overseas Markets
requirements for imported goods. As a result, In 2022, TFDA continued to assist food industry
a total of 2,719 CCC Codes (Commodities operators in exporting their products to foreign
Classification of the Republic of China) for markets. TFDA facilitated the submission of
imported products were required to undergo application documents on behalf of the operators,
border inspections before they were allowed to according to the designated products and
enter the country. application procedures specified by the importing
countries. This assistance extended to countries
(2) In 2022, a total of 406 imported frozen and
such as China, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and
chilled meat products, seafood, and fruits
others. Once the importing countries reviewed
underwent testing for the presence of COVID-19
and approved the applications, the products were
in both the internal and external packaging. The
eligible for export. Additionally, our country's Official
results of the tests were all negative, indicating
Biosecurity Program of processed (heat-treated)
the absence of the virus in the tested samples.
meat products was also approved by New Zealand.
(3) In 2022, a total of 724,180 batches of food and
Section 3 Monitoring the Food Safety
related products were inspected. Noncompliant
products will be returned or destroyed per the Chain
regulations from the Act Governing Food Safety 1. TFDA has been implementing post-market
and Sanitation. monitoring plan with the results shown in Table 7-2.
Table 7-2 Results of Post-Market Surveillance of Food, 2022
Surveillance Items
Samples Taken Conforming Cases Compliance(%)
Pesticide residues 4,616 4,255 92.2
Veterinary drug residues 7,907 7,888 99.8
Mycotoxins 687 655 95.3
Heavy metals 616 603 97.9
Source: Taiwan Food and Drug Administration
2. Inspection of Sampling Test Project 3. In order to increase the safety of imported food,
To ensure the food safety and hygiene of our border import inspection control and post-market
citizens, enhanced inspections have been enhanced inspection of imported products of
conducted specifically targeting high non- agricultural, poultry, livestock and aquatic products
compliance, high-concern, and high-risk items. is carried out. Monitoring was enhanced for
Taking into account the diverse and innovative products with high non-compliance rate. The
nature of the local food industry, including dining compliance rate in 2022 was 98.7%.
concepts, inspection projects were planned and Section 4 Food Safety and Sanitation
implemented. In 2022, 47 food inspection projects
were completed. Domestic businesses were
inspected 120,717 times, with a GHP inspection 1. Aligning our laws and standards with international
passed rate of over 90%. 590,000 food and related standards
products were inspected and sampled, resulting in To safeguard the dietary safety of our citizens, active
a pass rate of 99%. efforts have been made to continuously revise and
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