Page 117 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 117
09 | Social Welfare
In order to ensure appropriate care for evaluated by competent authorities of the county
disadvantaged groups, following the trends of low (city) government to be nurtured without supportive
birth rates, population aging, rapid change of social capabilities, to have no legal supporters or that their
structure and family functions, with promotion of the living is not be supported by legal supporters. As of
wellbeing and rights of all citizens as the mission, the end of 2023, a total of 99,474 children received
the government has planned and integrated welfare a total allowance of over NTD 2,204,640,000
policies for women, children and youth, the elderly, accumulatively.
and the persons with disabilities. By combining family 3. Emergency living assistance for children and
and community resources, it meets the visions which youth from vulnerable families: Emergency living
are guaranteed rights, supportive families, a friendly assistance of NTD 3,000 is granted monthly to
society, and progress for all. disadvantaged children and youth in hardship,
from vulnerable families, with emergency financial
Chapter 1 Children and Youth Welfare difficulty, or requiring childcare. As of the end of
The Social and Family Affairs Administration 2023, a total of 2,698 children and youth were
(SFAA) of the MOHW adopted measures relating to the subsidized with over NTD 41,230,000 in total.
"Plan for Addressing the Declining National Birth Rate 4. National Health Insurance Subsidies for Children
(2018-2024)" of the Executive Yuan to facilitate related and Youth from middle-low-income Families: The
government departments to co-build a birth-friendly children and youth under 18 years old from middle-
environment. This includes initiatives such as providing low-income families were subsidized for national
child-care subsidies for children under the age of 2, healthcare insurance. As of the end of 2023 there
promoting the public and the quasi-public childcare were 89,748 person-times benefiting from the
services, improving legislation related to children and subsidies totaling more than NTD 713,380,000.
adolescents, and constructing a social safety net. 5. Medical Subsidies for Children under 3 Years
Additionally, early intervention services for children Old: Part of the clinic (emergency) charges and
with development delays are being implemented. In hospitalization expense were automatically reduced
addition, the following policies are being implemented for national health insured children under 3 years old
to provide children and adolescents with more diverse during their doctoral visits. As of the end of 2023,
welfare and protection services.
the subsidies were offered to 10,633,774 person-
Section 1 Welfare and Subsidization times and exempted their parents from the burden
of more than NTD 1,878,640,000 in payments.
1. Child-raising allowance for children aged under 2:
To implement the policy of "The Country Raises 6. Medical Subsidies for Disadvantaged Children
Children Age 0 to 6 Together" by former President and Youth: In order to provide children from
Tsai. Since August 2021, SFAA increased the subsidy disadvantaged families with suitable health care,
for each child by at least NTD 5,000. The amount payment assistance was offered for NHI arrears;
was increased for the second child, and cancelled intervention, training, and evaluation fees for children
the limitation of receiving parental leave allowance with developmental delays; nursing fees during
and disadvantaged subsidization. From 2023, the hospital stays; and copayments. As of the end of
wealth exclusion criteria have also been abolished, 2023, there were 14,536 recipients of subsidies
benefiting all children under the age of 2. In 2023, a totaling more than NTD 166,700,000.
total of 382,028 children benefited from the subsidy, Section 2 Protecting the Interests and
amounting to over NTD 16.22 billion in aid.
2. Living assistance for vulnerable children and youth:
A subsidy amounting to NTD 2,047-2,479 is granted 1. According to the Implementation Act of the
each month to children and youth in hardship from Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the
middle-low income households; children and youth, Ministry completed the second international review
as well as their offspring, in hardship resulting meeting in November 2022. International review
from pregnancies or births; children and youth committee members presented 72 concluding