Page 112 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

          social workers and nutritionists. A total of 38 teams and   The exposure of serious violations is also to push for
          233 hospitals are currently in the program. More than   improvements in care quality by medical service providers.
          75,000 cases were accepted at the end of 2023. In 90%   NHIA has set up a "Price Comparison Platform of Self-
          of the patients, clear progress was made in their function,   Paid Medical Devices" which allows the general public to
          over 80% of patients returned home smoothly.       compare the out-of-pocket differences and prices of self-pay
              To continuously and reasonably review NHI Fee   items for medical devices across different healthcare facilities.
          Schedule, in 2023, dedicated budgets of NTD 2 billion and   Through the utilization of open data, mobile applications
          NTD 1 billion were allocated within the hospitals and Western   (APP), and LINE@ interface, individuals can easily access
          Medicine primary care sectors, respectively, for "Promoting   and reference information regarding various item categories,
          Payment Equity for Medical Services (including subsidies   materials, and explanations related to out-of-pocket
          for revisions to medical device usage regulations)." These   differences. This initiative aims to provide convenience for the
          funds were used to address cost increases associated with   public when making informed decisions.
          the single-use device (SUD) policy and the unavailability of   The "Patient Opinion Sharing Platform" was
          reusable alternatives for certain medical devices. Priority   expanded to allow general public review of new drugs/
          was given to adjusting the payment points or surcharge   medical materials under consideration for NHI coverage.
          rates for 73 affected medical service items. Additionally,   For implementing procedural justice, patients/patient
          payment points for 145 primary care medical service items   groups/caregivers can make suggestions or provide their
          were revised, and the child surcharge methods for surgeries   experiences, including treatment outcomes, improvements
          and anesthesia, as well as the surgical payment methods,   in quality of life, and achieved expected effects. From
          were aligned with those of hospitals. Efforts will continue   October 1, 2021, the platform was added the functionality
          to comprehensively review and adjust medical service   to share opinions on the expanded coverage of medication
          payment standards based on the Resource-Based Relative   reimbursement. Regular communication meetings are held
          Value Scale (RBRVS) model, reasonably reflecting the   with patient groups to gather feedback on their experience
          cost differences and resource utilization of various medical   using the platform, and platform features are flexibly
          services.                                          adjusted accordingly.
              New oral drugs for treating Hepatitis C (Direct Acting
          Antiviral Agents, DAA) with improved cure rate, reduced   Section 6  Caring for the Disadvantaged and
          side effects, and a shorter course of treatment began         Safeguarding Remote Areas
          to launch as of 2015. For more HCV patients to receive   1. Subsidies for the Economically Disadvantaged
          treatments with these new drugs as early as possible, they   (1)  Besides subsidizing premiums for specific
          were added to the NHI coverage since January 2017, and   underprivileged groups, there are other assistance
          all department physicians are authorized to prescribe DAA   measures as shown in Table 8-1.
          from October, 2021. The NHIA has earmarked a budget   (2)  Since June 2016, NHI has implemented "Decoupling
          up to NTD 40.171 billion for funding these Anti HCV drugs   of the Payment of Premiums from the Right to
          to benefit over 160,000 patients from 2017 to 2023.    Receive Medical Care," (NHI card unlocking) after
          HCV RNA testing at 12 weeks after the completion of the   which people can seek medical treatment as long as
          treatment course found that the treatment was successful   they apply for insurance.
          on 98.4% of the cases, with no detectable viral count.
                                                               (3)  Using Feedback Fund of Public Welfare Lottery to
          Section 5  Disclosure of Information to                Reduce the Financial Burden of Health Care for the
                     Improve Quality                             Disadvantaged: Assistance provided in 2023 included
              Information on NHI services such as the quality of   subsidies of NHI premium arrears and fees associated
          care at contracted medical service providers, the financial   with treatment. Assistance was provided 66,900 cases
          reports, the number of inpatient and outpatient claims and   of people, with approximately NTD 257 million in total.
          payment point values, nurse-to-patient ratio, etc. are all   2. Caring for People in Mountainous, Remote and
          published on the NHIA official website. Such information   Medically Underserved Areas
          allows the general public and interested parties to   (1)  The Integrated Delivery System (IDS) implemented by
          understand the operating efficiency of medical institutions.   the NHIA in mountain and offshore areas: As of 2023,

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