Page 115 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 115

08 | National Health Insurance and National Pension

               4. Insurance premium subsidy rate: 40% government    registration cancelled" by the Labor Insurance Bureau
                 subsidy (NTD 790 per month) for regular people,    was approved, allowing people had been overseas
                 55% (NTD 1,087) or 70% (NTD 1,383) for those with   for two years between January 1, 2020 and June 30,
                 income below a certain standard, middle-low-income   2023 and had their household registration cancelled
                 households, or people with mild or moderate physical   to continue to pay insurance premium or have pension
                 and mental disabilities, and 100% (NTD 1,976) for low-  payment request eligibility calculated favorably.
                 income households and people with severe physical   2. Amendment to Article 17 of the "Enforcement Rules
                 and mental disabilities or worse.                  of the National Pension Act": For insured persons who
               5. Premium Payment Rate of Insured individuals: From the   lose eligibility under Article 12, Paragraphs 1 to 3 of the
                 establishment of NPI (on October 1, 2008) to December   Act at the end of a month due to household registration
                 2023, receivable premiums of insured individuals were   relocation, the competent authority responsible for
                 more than NTD 477.8 billion and more than NTD 265.1   the insurance premium for that month shall be the
                 billion was received. The payment rate was 55.49%.  municipal or county (city) competent authority of the last
               6. Payment items, NPI Benefit Recipients and Payments.   registered domicile where the insured person held the
                 (Table 8-3)                                        aforementioned eligibility before relocation that month.
               7. Financial Status of the NPI Fund: As of the end of 2023,   3. On April 14, 2023, the "Ministry of Health and Welfare
                 a total of NTD 520.3 billion of the NPI fund was utilized   Regulations  on  Subsidies  for  National  Pension
                 in diversified of assets allocation.                Insurance Premiums in Response to Post-Pandemic
                                                                    Recovery" was enacted and promulgated. This
               Section 2  National Pension System Reform            regulation subsidizes 50% of the self-paid National
                           and Important Results                    Pension insurance premiums for nine months from April
               1. Handling of the "flexible measures for guaranteeing   2023 to December 2023. As of June 30, 2024, over
                 the national pension rights of people unable to return   1.68 million people have been subsidized, amounting
                 to Taiwan for two years who have had household     to more than NTD 5.6 billion (with the final payment
                                                                    deadline set for October 31, 2025).

                 Table 8-3   NPI Benefit Recipients and Payments, 2023

                                                          Recipients (Persons)     Payment Amounts (NTD 1,000s)
                            Payment Type
                                                       Male    Female    Total     Male      Female     Total
                         Old Age Pension Payments     622,063   805,608  1,427,671  27,223,920  38,214,975  65,438,895
                         Maternity Payments                0     13,597   13,597         0     53,339    53,339
                         Mental/Physical Disability Pension
                Insurance   Payments                    4,451    3,225     7,676   183,285    152,661   335,946
                         Funeral Payments               7,823    3,590    11,413   756,070    347,806  1,103,876
                         Surviving Family Pension Payments  91,191   29,450   120,641   4,430,620  1,434,389  5,865,009
                         Subtotal                     725,528   855,470 1,580,998  32,593,895  40,203,170  72,797,065
                         Old Age Basic Guaranteed Pension   132,917   248,575   381,492   6,346,661  11,745,764  18,092,425
                 Other   Mental / Physical Disability Basic   9,486   8,862  18,348  583,083   545,851   1,128,934
                Payment  Guaranteed Pension Payments
                         Aboriginal Pension Payments   16,747    27,130   43,877   764,554   1,228,543   1,993,097
                         Subtotal                     159,150   284,567   443,717   7,694,298  13,520,158  21,214,456
               Total                                  884,678  1,140,037  2,024,715  40,288,193  53,723,328  94,011,521
               Source: Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
               Note: Recipients of lump sum payments are accumulative number of persons each year. Recipients of pension payments are the recipients at the
                   end of the year.

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