Page 121 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 121

09 | Social Welfare

                    Table 9-2    Foster Families and Children, 2019-2023

                             Year               2019         2020         2021         2022         2023
                  Families (Households)         1,027        1,042        1,042        1,012        1,028
                               Males              762          782          846          816          812
                               Females            788          799          787          766          775
                  Source: SFAA

                  protection and friendly workforce, promote family and   women's government sector and NGOs. In 2023,
                  work balance, (5) Protect families' rights to adequate   there were 48 domestic organizations used its
                  housing and provide livable environment, (6) upgrade   facilities. The center also welcomed 61 governmental
                  violence prevention and protection services, and create   organizations at home and abroad, attracting 7,530
                  family safety environment.                        visits. Since the opening on March 8, 2008 there
                                                                    have been 174,668 visitors as of the end of 2023.
                  Section 1 Women's Welfare
                      Social services for women are aimed to empower   4. To develop more forward-looking women's
                  women from women's standpoint. Key achievements   welfare services, the MOHW has implemented an
                  in 2023 are shown as follow:                      empowerment program since 2020 to empower
                                                                    local governments to promote innovation for
                  1. The Department of Social and Family Affairs(SFAA) of   women's services. Through research reports on
                    the MOHW cooperated with local governments and   women's needs trends, local women's issues
                    NGOs to provide support services to boost women's   and needs were identified (health and personal
                    welfare and to enhance women's capabilities, and   safety, economic employment, care needs, career
                    to create opportunities for further development. The   development, retirement planning). In 2023,
                    total subsidies in 2023 were NTD 66.17 million.  the Ministry published the book "Women's Life
                  2. By strengthening capacity of 47 Women Welfare   Design," compiling 3 years of developed women's
                    Service Centers, the MOHW linked government and   needs, training modules, service design principles,
                    private resources to provide services for women's   and county/city service outcomes, resulting in
                    growth, counseling, case management, employment   17 innovative service programs produced in
                    support, exploration of topics, and exhibitions for   collaboration with 16 local governments and NGOs.
                    women. In 2023, the centers provided services for a
                    total of 418,073 people.                      Section 2 Services for Vulnerable Families
                  3. By operating the Taiwan Women's Center, which   1. Enhancing social welfare center service capacity
                    serves as a platform for promoting women's welfare,   to provide professional and accessible services: In
                    women's rights, and gender mainstreaming, and   alignment with the Strengthening Social Safety Net
                    interaction with both international and domestic   program, a total of 1,376 social work professionals

                    Group photo from the Women's Innovation Program Book Launch and Design Summit, 2023
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