Page 123 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 123
09 | Social Welfare
3. In 2023, collaboration with non-governmental society. The MOHW unveiled the four major prospects of
organizations was initiated to promote community autonomy, self-reliance, communion, and sustainment.
therapeutic services, ensuring the rights and well- Furthermore, in order to concretely implement the
being of children with developmental delays and various policy objectives of the White Paper on an Aging
their families. A total of 119 community therapeutic Society, and on November 10, 2022, the "Strategy Plan
centers were established, providing services in 363 for Addressing the Challenges of a Super-Aged Society"
townships and urban areas, with a coverage rate of was approved. It is estimated that over a period of four
98.64%. years (2023-2026), a budget of more than NTD 26.8
billion will be allocated and 345 important projects will be
Section 4 Services for Families with
promulgated in 2023. Through public-private collaboration
Special Needs and interdisciplinary cooperation, active responses will be
1. Adoption matching services: Starting from May 30, made to the diverse needs of the elderly.
2012, all adoptions of children and youth must be
handled by an approved adoption matching service Section 1 Income Security for the Elderly
agency. As of the end of 2023, there were eight Based on the economic conditions of low- and
approved adoption matching service agencies (with middle-income elderly households, a monthly living
12 service centers). These agencies matched 202 allowance of NTD 3,879 or NTD 7,759 per person is
children with adoptive parents in 2023 (102 were provided. In 2023, allowances were issued to a total of
adopted domestically and 100 overseas). 208,407 people (accounting for 4.85% of the elderly
population) to ensure economic security and maintain
2. Assistance for Families in Hardship: In 2023, basic living standards.
emergency assistance for livelihood, children living
allowance, children nursery allowance, medical Section 2 Health Care for the Elderly
subsidy, subsidy of litigation, children education Fees Subsidization
allowance, and career development loan are 1. In order to reduce the economic barrier to health
available for families in hardship. There were 17,439 care due to NHI premiums and copayments for
families receiving these benefits for a total of elder people with economic difficulties, premiums
129,100 times, with total subsidies exceeding NTD are fully subsidized for lower-middle income elderly
464,500,000. persons aged 70 and above. In 2023, these
3. Support for Pregnant Women Under the Age subsidies were provided to 112,196 people.
of 20: A teen pregnancy hotline (0800-25- 2. To subsidize the denture installation for near poor
7085) and website ( senior citizens, we introduce eight subsidization
was established. In 2023, the hotline provided plans based on the missing tooth condition of
counseling services to 1,431 individuals, while the senior citizens to meet individual needs. In 2023, a
website had 267,938 visitors and received 437 total of 5,785 elderly people were benefited.
letters and online consultations. Each county and
city also implemented case management services Section 3 Care for Elder People
for pregnant teenagers or parents under the age of 1. To compensate near poor families for losing
20, serving a total of 13,945 individuals in 2023. economic gains from sacrificing employment to take
care of elderly family, an elderly care allowance of
Chapter 3 Welfare for the Elderly NTD 5,000 each month was provided for families
In March 2018, Taiwan became an aged society. with elderly people requiring special care. In 2023, a
By the end of December 2023, the elderly population total of 5,406 instances were benefited.
4,296,985 people, accounting for 18.35% of the total 2. To enhance care for elderly individuals living alone,
population. In response to the trend towards an aged 24-hour emergency rescue services have been
society, the MOHW planned a new aged social policy provided. In 2023, 51,695 elderly individuals
blueprint. On September 27, 2021, the Executive Yuan living alone received care services, and 5,571
approved the amendment of the white paper of aging economically disadvantaged elderly individuals