Page 105 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 105
07 | Management of Food and Drug
respective agencies to enhance risk management Section 1 Provision of Accurate Food,
and emergency response strategy formulation Drug, and Cosmetics
2. Risk Communication Strategies and Benefits
In 2023, food safety knowledge was disseminated 1. The "Articles of Food and Drugs" website was
established to provide information and knowledge
through online media resources by participating in on food and medicine, while continuing to collect
two international food exhibitions, producing one and clarify the rumors. As of the end of 2023, there
food safety promotion video, and designing an AR are over 400 articles and a total of over 7.67 million
interactive game. Food safety knowledge was also viewers. The TFDA collected rumors and provided
communicated to people of different age groups clarification through the "Food and Drugs Rumor
through various channels, such as publishing two Buster" section on its official website. In this section,
issues on food safety in children's magazines, 563 messages were released, with more than 86.68
producing children's storybooks, and releasing 27 million hits and articles being referenced for more
articles on current food and drug safety topics in the than 3,750 times by the media. The latest health
weekly reports. education information was posted on the Facebook
3. Handling of Major Crisis: fan page "TFDA." The TFDA LINE@ official
In March 2023, following the FDA's frozen organic account was established to disseminate accurate
strawberry recall alert, the TFDA expanded border information, and clarify rumors timely.
and post-market inspections. After detecting 2. TFDA has set up the "New Psychoactive Substance"
hepatitis-A virus in the "Berry" product from Costco, section on its website for the general public. People
an emergency response task force was immediately can find information such as the latest situation of
established, and a level 3 response mechanism new psychoactive substance inspection in Taiwan,
was activated to address changing situations. A the list of accredited institutions for drug abuse urine
total of 9 response meetings were convened, 24 testing, the list of illegal drugs that can be tested by
work reports were consolidated, and all emergency using urine sample rapid test kits, and the monthly/
response measures were properly implemented. annual "Drug Abuse Cases and Testing Statistics"
Section 3 Laboratory Certification
3. The "Clinical Trials Information Area" website
The number of accredited testing institutions was completely revamped with the addition of a
in the four domains of food, drugs, medical devices, "Public Area" and "Clinical Trial Related Websites"
and cosmetics reaches 132, covering a total of 1,806 to provide public access to clinical trial resources.
items. In 2023, six proficiency tests for food, drug, and The correct clinical trial concepts were promoted
cosmetic inspections were conducted. through participant education materials, promotional
videos, info-packs, and Q&A collections.
Chapter 5 Food and Drug Information, Section 2 Public Communication and
Co mmu n i cat i o n , an d Dissemination
1. In 2023, the national food safety hotline (1919) and
Through the new communication channels, by the "For-the-People Service" hotline (02-27878200)
means of "offline to online" new media marketing have provided food consultation and reporting
methods, the safety risk education and governance services over 43,000 calls. The user satisfaction
messages were circulated, and a new health education rate exceeded 80%.
and policy marketing model was established, in an
attempt to achieve effective policy advocacy.