Page 104 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report

                           Number of Reported Defective Medical Devices and Adverse Reactions to
              Figure 7-5
                           Medical Devices

            Cases             Defective Devices Reports
          6,000               Adverse Reactions Reports
          5,000                                                                                  4,826
                                                                     4,510      4,634  4,634
                                                    3,450  3,429

                                    1,368      1,401
          1,000                748                                       753   769
                                                                    580             584         484
                         366                       395  427   423                         491
                   157                       209
                  30    54   70    85   144
                 2009  2010  2011  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019     2020 2021   2022 2023 Year
             Source: Taiwan Food and Drug Administration
            testing technology, support administrative management   4. In 2023, the "2023 APEC Communication
            by testing technology, implement risk management   Platform for Analytical Techniques - Food from
            as well as crisis management mechanisms and        Biotechnology-Derived Crops Workshop" was held.
            complete food and drug safety management system    Participation in the annual meeting of the European
            to effectively reduce risks and the impact of crises.  Official Medicines Control Laboratories (OMCL)
                                                               and the EU Official Control Authority Batch Release
            Section 1  Missions and Functions of
                                                               (OCABR) Network, two regular meetings of the
                        National Laboratories                  European Network of Official Cosmetics Control
            1. In 2023, a total of 2,437 food and drug cases were   Laboratories (OCCLs), and the 175th, 176th, and
               conducted, covering a wide range of 10,042 test   177th sessions of the European Pharmacopoeia
               items. Additionally, the TFDA assisted prosecutors,   Commission enhanced international visibility
               policemen, investigators, judiciary and customs   and aligned testing techniques with international
               in product investigation, and provided technical   standards.
               support for local health authorities.
                                                             Section 2  Risk Management,
            2. In 2023, TFDA promulgated and amended a total
               of 16 testing methods for food products, published       Communication and Crisis
               or revised 31 recommended testing methods for            Management Mechanisms
               food, 5 for cosmetics and medical devices, 3 for   1. Organizational Risk Management
               pharmaceuticals and abused drugs, and 1 for     The 2023 Food and Drug Big Data Competition
               biological drugs. These technical documents were   was held under the theme "Food and Drug Big
               formulated for the use of various sectors.      Data Competition - In-depth Analysis for Precise
            3. In 2023, the National Laboratories took part in 28   Decision-Making and Innovative Excellence."
               international proficiency tests for food, medicine   With joint participation from central and local
               and medical devices, with all outcomes being    governments, 11 teams and 170 participants
               satisfactory as the Laboratories' testing capabilities   improved their food and drug big data analysis
               received international recognition.             and application capabilities, providing feedback to

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