Page 35 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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02                                                                               Health and Welfare Indicators   02

                    Table 2-7    CHE / GDP Proportion

                                                            CHE / GDP (%)                   Increase / Decrease
                           Country                                                          in 2020 compared to
                                                     2010                    2020                 2010
                         OECD mean                   8.6                      9.7                         1.1
                          United States              16.2                    18.8                         2.6
                            Canada                   10.7                    12.9                         2.2
                           Germany                   11.1                    12.8                         1.7
                            France                   11.2                    12.2                         1.0
                         United Kingdom              10.0                    12.0                         2.0
                          Switzerland                9.9                     11.8                         1.9
                            Austria                  10.2                    11.5                         1.3
                           Sweden                    8.3                     11.5                         3.2
                            Norway                   8.9                     11.4                         2.5
                          Netherlands                10.2                    11.1                         0.9
                            Japan                    9.1                     11.1                         2.0
                            Belgium                  10.2                    11.1                         0.9
                            Spain                    9.1                     10.7                         1.6
                           Australia                 8.4                     10.6                         2.2
                           Denmark                   10.6                    10.5                         -0.1
                           Portugal                  10.0                    10.5                         0.5
                             Chile                   6.8                      9.8                         3.0
                          New Zealand                9.6                      9.7                         0.1
                             Italy                   8.9                      9.6                         0.7
                            Finland                  9.1                      9.6                         0.5
                            Greece                   9.6                      9.5                         -0.1
                            Iceland                  8.4                      9.5                         1.1
                           Slovenia                  8.6                      9.5                         0.9
                         Czech Republic              6.9                      9.2                         2.3
                           Columbia                  7.1                      9.0                         1.9
                            Korea                    5.9                      8.4                         2.5
                             Israel                  7.0                      8.3                         1.3
                          Costa Rica                 8.0                      7.9                         -0.1
                            Estonia                  6.3                      7.8                         1.5
                           Lithuania                 6.8                      7.5                         0.7
                            Latvia                   6.1                      7.4                         1.3
                           Hungary                   7.4                      7.3                         -0.1
                         Slovak Republic             7.7                      7.2                         -0.5
                            Ireland                  10.5                     7.1                         -3.4
                            Poland                   6.4                      6.5                         0.1
                            Mexico                   5.7                      6.2                         0.5
                         R.O.C.(Taiwan)              5.9                      6.1                         0.2
                          Luxembourg                 6.7                      5.8                         -0.9
                            Türkiye                  5.0                      4.6                         -0.4
                  Source: Department of Statistics, MOHW, R.O.C (Taiwan); OECD Health Statistics

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