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12 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report 12
Section 3 New Southbound Policy (NSP) and mutual cooperation with the NSP countries,
while facilitating Taiwan's export opportunities for
1. The MOHW continues prioritizing the 7 NSP
healthcare-related products and services.
key countries (India, Indonesia, Thailand, the
Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Myanmar) and 3. From 2017 to 2019, patients form the NSP countries
entrusts Taiwan medical centers to promote health to Taiwan had grown steadily by nearly 40%,
cooperation and industry linkages. In 2022, based on contributing to an increased revenue of approximately
country risk and different cooperation development NTD 1.57 billion. The COVID-19 pandemic has
of the NSP priority countries with Taiwan, additional adversely affected global economic growth since
centers were established in Vietnam, Malaysia, and 2020; however, in 2022, a total of 112,000 inbound
Indonesia, expanding the "7 Countries, 7 Centers" patients were from the NSP countries, accounting for
to "7 Countries, 10 Centers (7C, 10C) " program. 45% of all medical tourists.
Through the "healthcare-led industrial development" 4. The MOHW commissioned the Medical Excellence
model, each entrusted center implemented tailored Taiwan (MET) to promote internationalization of
strategies to different countries and collaborated Taiwan's healthcare industry. In 2022, MET signed
with relevant domestic enterprises and associations
a memorandum of cooperation (MOU) with the
to form a "Medical National Team" to promote the
Medical Excellence Japan (MEJ), establishing a
internationalization of Taiwan's healthcare industry.
partnership to jointly assist Taiwan and Japan
2. Since the COVID-19 was declared a global in expanding healthcare industries in the New
pandemic, countries worldwide have taken drastic Southbound markets. MET has also signed an
border measures successively and thus impeded MOU with the Victoria International Medical Center,
training and exchanges for foreign healthcare facilitating joint venture opportunities between the
professionals in Taiwan. However, in 2022, despite Taiwanese hospitals and local businesses.
these challenges, Taiwan managed to train 393
5. The "New Southbound Policy - Promoting
healthcare personnel from the NSP countries
International Training of Mental Health Professionals
(211 virtually and 182 physically). Additionally, the
and Establishing an International Cooperation
10 medical centers under the 7C, 10C program
Platform Project" signed MOUs with Syarif
organized a total of 127 seminars or industry
Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) in
forums and matched 167 companies. By leveraging
Indonesia in April 2022 and Chenla University (CLU)
Taiwan's soft power advantages and expertise
in Cambodia in June 2022, facilitating substantial
in medical services, public health, and medical
collaborations in the field.
supplies, Taiwan is able to promote capacity building
● MOU Signing Ceremony on Healthcare Cooperation between MET and MEJ
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