Page 102 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 102

07    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         07

                           Number of Reported Defective Medical Devices and Adverse Reactions to
              Figure 7-5
                           Medical Devices

            Cases               Defective Devices Reports
          6,000                 Adverse Reactions Reports

                                                                        4,510       4,634  4,634
          4,000                                                   3,996
                                                       3,450  3,429

                                     1,368       1,401
          1,000                 748                                          753  769
                                                                       580              584
                          366                        395   427   423                          491
                    157                        209
                  30    54    70    85   144
                  2009  2010  2011  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019        2020 2021   2022 Year
             Source: Taiwan Food and Drug Administration

            2. There were 125 reported cases of adverse events   policemen, investigator, judiciary and customs
               related to cosmetics, and a total of 388 safety   in product investigation, and provided technical
               messages regarding cosmetics were monitored and   support for local health authorities.
               disseminated regarding cosmetics. Additionally, 239   2. In 2022, TFDA promulgated and amended a total
               safety alerts were issued.                      of 28 testing methods for food products, published
                                                               or revised 31 recommended testing methods for
            Chapter 4 National Laboratories and                food, 12 for cosmetics and medical devices, 2
                          Risk Management                      for pharmaceuticals and abused drugs, and 1 for

                 TFDA continues to improve the functions of    biological drugs. These technical documents were
            national laboratory, construct testing techniques in line   formulated for the use of various sectors.
            with international trends, enhance the development of   3. In 2022, the National Laboratories took part in 33
            testing technology, support administrative management   international proficiency tests for food, medicine
            by testing technology, implement risk management   and medical devices, with all outcomes being
            as well as crisis management mechanisms and        satisfactory as the Laboratories' testing capabilities
            complete food and drug safety management system    received international recognition.
            to effectively reduce risks and the impact of crises.  4. In 2022, the "2022 APEC Online Communication
                                                               Platform for Testing Techniques for Food-
            Section 1  Missions and Functions of
                                                               Pesticide Residue Workshop" was held, along with
                        National Laboratories
                                                               participation in two joint sessions of "the European
            1. In 2022, a total of 3,806 food and drug cases were   Committee for Cosmetics and Consumer Health
               conducted, covering a wide range of 13,947 test   (CD-P-COS) and the European Network of Official
               items. Additionally,  the TFDA assisted prosecutors,   Cosmetics Control Laboratories (OCCLs)." These

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