Page 19 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 19

02 | Health and Welfare Indicators

                      The dependency ratio [(population aged 0-14   population aged 15-64 x 100] from 49.4 to 17.1, and
                  + population aged 65 and above) / population aged   the steady increase in the old-age dependency ratio
                  15- 64 x 100] fell from 56.3 in 1981 to 43.4 in 2023.   [population aged 65 and above/population aged 15-64
                  This was primarily due to the rapid decrease in the   x 100] from 6.9 to 26.3 (Figure 2-3).
                  young-age dependency ratio [population aged 0-14 /

                    Figure 2-3   Population Age Structure and Dependency Ratio, by Year

                                   Population                                                   Dependency
                                   (10,000 people)                                                   ratio
                                   2,500                                                               70
                                                                                    311   394   430
                                          56.3  52.1              197   229                            60
                                   2,000        103   135   169
                        65 years &        80          49.0                                             50
                        Above                               44.9
                                          49.4  44.1                                            43.4
                                                                  42.1                    41.3
                       15-64  years  1,500            39.2              39.1
                                                           1,485              35.1  36.1               40
                        0-14 years                               1,577
                                         1,164  1,282  1,383            1,644             1,655  1,633
                                                            33.5                                       30
                        Young-age   1,000                         29.6  25.2  1,719  1,729      26.3
                        dependency                                                        23.8
                        ratio                                                       18.0
                                                                                          17.5  17.1   20
                                                                        13.9  14.7
                        Old-age     500                     11.4  12.5              18.2
                        dependency        6.9   8.0   9.7                                              10
                        Dependency        575   566   543   498   466   415   350   314   289   279
                        ratio         0                                                                0
                                         1981  1986  1991  1996  2001  2006  2011  2016   2021  2023
                  Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
                        Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
                  Section 2 Birth and Death
                      With the evolving social and economic landscape,   proportion of elderly population, rose from 5‰ in
                  the fertility rate among the population of Taiwan has   the 1980s to 8.8‰ in 2023. As a result, the natural
                  been on a long-germ decline. The crude birth rate (births/  population growth rate (crude birth rate minus crude
                  mid-year population x 1,000) fell from over 20‰ in the   mortality rate), has decreased from over 10‰ in the
                  early 1980s to below 10‰ in 2000s, and to 5.8‰ in   1980s to about 0.1‰ in 2019 and -0.3‰ in 2020, the
                  2023. Conversely, the crude mortality rate (deaths/mid-  first time the population experienced negative growth. In
                  year population x 1,000), influenced by the increasing   2023, the rate was -3‰, as show in Figure 2-4.

                    Figure 2-4   Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate, and Rate of Natural Increase, by Year

                                                 Crude Birth Rate

                                   Rate of Natural Increase
                                                 Crude Death Rate
                         1981              1991             2001             2011              2023
                  Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
                     Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24