Page 26 - 2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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02    2023 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report                                                                                                                                                                                         02

            Section 2 Disabilities
                 At the end of 2022, the total number of     lifespan, with a more significant growth observed
            individuals holding disability certificates reached   among the elderly population with disabilities. In 2022,
            1,196,654, accounting for 5.1% of the total population.   there was a decrease of 16.3% in the number of
            Among them, there were 662,250 males (55.3%) and   individuals with disabilities aged 0 to 17, and an 8.0%
            534,404 females (44.7%).                         decrease among those aged 18 to 64, in comparison
                 Compared to 2012, the number of individuals   to the 2012. However, there was a notable increase
            with disabilities has increased by 79,136 or 7.1%.   of 34.2% among individuals aged 65 and above, as
            This increase can be attributed mainly to the extended   indicated in Table 2-2.

              Table 2-2    Annual Disability Statistics Compendium, by Gender and Age

                                       Gender (Persons)           Age group (Persons)
                                                                                               As %
                Year       Total                                                               of total
                (End)    (Persons)                           0-17       18-64     65 Years   population
                                       Male      Female                                         (%)
                                                             Years      Years      & Above

                2012     1,117,518   636,287     481,231    62,051     644,023     411,444      4.8

                2013     1,125,113   639,969     485,144    59,570     643,185     422,358      4.8

                2014     1,141,677   648,807     492,870    58,737     646,992     435,948      4.9

                2015     1,155,650   655,444     500,206    56,885     648,486     450,279      4.9

                2016     1,170,199   662,800     507,399    55,702     645,588     468,909      5.0

                2017     1,167,450   658,682     508,768    54,051     637,568     475,831      5.0

                2018     1,173,978   658,673     515,305    52,119     629,460     492,399      5.0

                2019     1,186,740   661,690     525,050    51,844     621,581     513,315      5.0

                2020     1,197,939   665,776     532,163    51,601     614,099     532,239      5.1

                2021     1,203,756   667,926     535,830    52,143     605,080     546,533      5.2

                2022     1,196,654   662,250     534,404    51,943     592,555     552,156      5.1

             Source: Department of Statistics, MOHW, R.O.C. (Taiwan)

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