Page 183 - 2024 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 183


                     Category                 Disease                   Total      Domestic Case  Imported Case
                                             Botulism                       0             0              0
                                      Invasive Pneumococcal Disease        287           286             1
                                              Q Fever                       4             2              2
                                         Endemic Typhus Fever               25            25             0
                                            Lyme Disease                    0             0              0
                                             Tularemia                      0             0              0
                                            Scrub Typhus                   204           203             1
                                         Complicated Varicella              47            47             0
                                           Toxoplasmosis                    25            23             2
                                       Severe Complicated Influenza       1,058          1,041           17
                                             Brucellosis                    0             0              0
                                             Listeriosis                   191           189             2
                                 Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome   0          0              0
                                  Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens  6  1,394,232  1,376,092     18,140
                                           Rift Valley Fever                0             0              0
                                       Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever            0             0              0
                                            Yellow Fever                    0             0              0
                                          Ebola Virus Disease               0             0              0
                                            Lassa Fever                     0             0              0
                                 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus   0         0              0
                                         (MERS-CoV) Infections
                                      Novel Influenza A Virus Infections     1             1              0
                  Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
                  Notes: 1. Date of Download: Data were downloaded on May 1, 2024.
                       2. Day of disease onset is used as the basis of analysis for all acute notifiable diseases.
                       3. No wild poliovirus has been detected in Taiwan since 1984. Nationwide surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis has been used for detecting cases of
                        poliomyelitis since the implementation of the Eradication Program for Measles, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, and Neonatal Tetanus in
                       4. Effective February 1, 2024, the official Chinese nomenclature for "monkeypox" has been revised to "M pox."
                       5. Tetanus and mumps are cases reported by the physician without laboratory testing of specimens.
                       6. Starting March 20, 2023, the case definition for Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19) was updated to require both a positive test result
                        and the presence of complications. Subsequently, on May 1 of the same year, it was reclassified from a Category V to a Category IV notifiable
                        infectious disease.
                    Table 2  Number of Confirmed Cases of Chronic Notifiable Disease, 2023

                         Category                      Diseases                    Number of Confirmed Notifiable
                           II               Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB)          66
                                                      Tuberculosis                          6,584
                                                       Syphilis                             9,941
                                                    Congenital Syphilis                        4
                           III                        Gonorrhea                             8,257

                                       Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection(HIV Infection)   940
                                           Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)           585
                                                    Hansen's Disease                           9

                           IV                    Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease                     0
                  Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
                  Notes: 1. Date of Download: Data were downloaded on May 1, 2024.
                       2. Caseloads of MDR-TB were calculated based on the registration date by Taiwan CDC. Cases of other chronic notifiable diseases were analyzed
                        based on the diagnosis date.

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